High Voltage

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by GD27 BlueDevil, Jan 2, 2009.

  1. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    Okay, I've played two games of slayer and one game of One Flag on High Voltage.
    Here's my review.

    Games on High Voltage were fun to an extent. The map had its ups and downs so playing on it wasnt always enjoyable. It was fun to go up the lifts since they added a different feel to the gameplay but nothing really stood out to me here. It felt as if I was playing on a very old map that never got anywhere.

    Weapons on High Voltage were balanced out fairly well. I didnt see any abundance in power weapons. I suggest adding another pair of plasma grenades to the map because I didnt see too many of those anywhere. Also the Spartan Laser wasnt of much use since there was already a Sniper Rifle. I think you should move the Splaser to the corner where the open single box is located or somewhere around there since there wasnt much player traffic in that specific area. Spawns on High Voltage were very repetitive. As an Attacker, I constantly found myself spawning behind the merged double wall in the back of the map. There were other spawns that didnt work at the start but other than that, it worked fairly well if you wanted a serious game.

    High Voltage is pretty much unbreakable. The walls and boundaries blocking off the map were high enough to keep players inside. No one would try to get out of this map in game since the walls are much to high for any normal gravity game.

    GD Bluedevil, Blazeisgod, and sdrakulich seemed to really focus on the aesthtics on this map. I really liked the nice angled geomerging in the far corner of the map. Although nobody really ventured there in the game. The bridge was constructed rather beautifully and the side ramp off the corner was a good touch to it. High Voltage's center peice seemed to be the arch sort of structure between the bridge and the attackers base. It provided a good peice of cover when the enemy was afar. Although the aesthetics are superb I wish you could have made the map flow better. People were constantly having to jump to get places. i.e- attackers base, defender's base ramps, side ramp to the bridge, etc.

    Most of the people who tested this with me agreed that the map was very much the same to Code Impulse just enlarged. There was no difference in gameplay from before. Height mattered and there were several lifts shooting you up to the bridge just like last time. You included the same truck stop aesthetic and basically just moved all the structures around to alter player traffic. Originality was kind of a bust because it didnt present anything new to the table.

    Score: 7.9/10
  2. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    I am glad you like the aestletics because pretty much all of the geomerging was done by me not Blaze :)

    I really don't see what you mean by "Not origonal" seeing as it is supposed to be Code Impulse only fixing all its flaws. In order to do that MANY things were changed. You can easily tell the difference:





    Many things were supposed to stay the same but 95% of the map's layout is different. Play a game on High VOltage and then play a game on Code Impulse and you will see a tremendous difference:)

    Thankyou for your review I can tell you put a lot of thought into it I just didn't agree with some of your points of view.
  3. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    As soon as I can I will be updating the pics because GD originally asked me to take them and I feel the pictures do not give this map much justice. The next time I have an xbox I'll be posting them.
  4. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    Epic map guys, I've played it with Sdrakulich and it truly is a gem. Blaze, if you'd like my services again, I'm always looking for projects. :D
  5. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    If you would like to take som pictures for this map to give it the justice it deserves then go right ahead! it would be greatly appreciated.

    here are some more for your post GD...







  6. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    Okay guys, if you'd like to use these, here you go.









  7. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    Thankyou sir. I would rep you if I could :)

    I think I'll use one for my sig!! But could we please get back to topic please?
  8. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    To be honest, I was disappointed with this map. I anticipated such greatness from the pictures, but the general layout of the map and its gameplay really bothered me. There were also many imperfections in the map geometry. Overall, I have to say 3/5. Sorry.
  9. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    Thats wierd. You said my map sucked but didn't tell me why it sucked. How is that supposed to help me? You're just jeal0sE lol
  10. Flair iz NasTy

    Flair iz NasTy Ancient
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    One of the best maps I've ever seen and both played on! The geo-merging and interlocking is perfect and I found no flaws in the gameplay when I played it with you today! Can't wait for your next map dude I'll give this a 5/5 for its aesthetics as well.
  11. Furry

    Furry Guest

    He did not say it sucked. He said it was average and kind of a let down. Not everybody wants to write a lengthy review of a map about it's pros and cons. I'll bold the following of what he said. I can totally agree with him for the most part.

    How is he jealous? He's really jealous of a map that he thinks is average. Yeah, he's soooo jealous. Give it a rest man, the last thing Forge Hub needs is another arrogant person. Come on now, get real.

    Respect the feedback. It's not like he gave you a "This map suxxorz! 3/5", he went into some brief details on why he did not like it.

  12. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    We agreed it was unoriginal in a way because it played exactly like code impulse. the majority of the ramps and structures all felt the same, in a way. Either way, its still a well made map.
  13. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    I was joking dude relax! I just wanted some more specific feedback to help a v2. This is a map both me and Blaze are very proud of :)
  14. L3TH4L J14

    L3TH4L J14 Ancient
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    CTF and Slayer FFA are the only gametypes I've played on this map, and they are pretty fun. But the map is kinda hard to get used to IMO.


    This is staying in my custom games files.
  15. freezefry

    freezefry Ancient
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    Played this twice I think before its release, and it is a perfect example of why the Forgehub site thrives- so much damn creativity and perfection! This must have spent a lot of time, but a lot of time well spent. Congratulations, you have my download Bluedevil.
  16. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    atlast its posted, muchbetter than codeimpulse, i like the fencebox in front of the trucks and the bridge/ tunnel overpass thing, very nice urban touch, all in all with gameplay its a very good map, congrats gd and blaze... i would say feature in the near future

    edit and to preakie this is not the same as highvoltage, its plays alot different and looks alot different get your eyes checkd. this is almost a completely different map and it is unquie because of how you layed it out to, this is a must download dont listen to people who say its just another hightvoltage!

    #36 Paulie Walnuttz, Jan 4, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2009
  17. bobsagetismyhro

    bobsagetismyhro Ancient
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    it has been a pleasure testing this with you, i found that the map has great spawns, but I found myself using a Br and Ar most of the time and the other weapons were kinda hidden. Anyway the map is greatly forged!
  18. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    I'm glad you liked testing the map. We have worked on the spawns for PERFECTION because of it being almost the most important part of any map.

    The weapons, i also built for gameplay. Everything that was placed has been there almost since the beginning of the map. The Br and AR are start starting weapons, so you obviously are going to see more of them especially on a small sized map and that is the way it should be. People who use a lot of power weapons have fun but make it lame for everyone else. We have just a few power weapons on the map so that you have to use them wisely to keep control on the map rather then just running around blowing people up.

    You are welcome to change the weapons to your liking ad save a copy for your own custom games. Also you can play your own gametypes, like snipers, rockets, swat, swords, etc.
  19. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    I think he means the Power Weapons aren't easy to find, my first time playing I didn't even know where the sniper was. I had completely forgot about it until someone took my head. I don't think it would be that hard to move them around just a bit so it's easier to pick and play.
  20. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    Isn't that how every map is though when you only play it a few times? Ya. You guys just have got to get used to it. And by the way, the sniper is rght in the middle of the map on the stand. :-D


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