It was a cold chilly night in the city of Venice, where everybody was sleeping in their nice cozy bed. All of a sudden everyone was awaken by a loud shrieking noise kind of a, weird sounding scream. Just about 5 seconds after that there was a loud human screaming and then all of a sudden it was pure silence. Everyone else in the city are now arming there weapons bunkering themselves in there houses and is going to try an attempt killing whatever killed one of there own. Sadly everyone in the city failed and ended up being a midnight snack for the un-classified monster. Now, four years later a couple of people were sent to the city by the government after not seeing any activitity from the city in forever. They realize that everybody in the city died from something that ate them but they have no idea what it was. Then all of a sudden they hear a lound shrieking noise from the distance but it is dark and the people don't know how far off the noise came from. The people have no idea what to do. You are those people. Hey guys this is my second map post on forge hub and I think it went by pretty well. The name of the map is Forgotten City where there are houses everywhere and a pretty good amount of weapons, but that doesn't mean that they have a good amount of ammo. There is one alpha zombie which is the un-named creature that ate the townspeople. Don't die or you will become a creature yourself but a quicker and faster form. Human traits 10% damage resistance normal shields Primary weapon: Magnum 110% speed 200% gravity(no hops) no radar Alpha Zombie traits 90% damage resistance normal shields 110% shield recharge rate 110% damage modifier Primary weapon: sword no secondary weapon 90% speed 200% gravity (no hops) normal radars 10 meter radars poor camo forced color: zombie Zombie traits 50% damage resistance normal shields 100% damage modifier Primary weapon: sword no secondary weapon 125% speed 150% gravity (little hops) no radar poor camo forced color: zombie Now for some pictures: Alpha Zombie spawn The alpha zombie must run down hallway becuase all the doors along the way are blocked by dumpsters. The alpha zombie must hit the crate until he is free to go into the city. Overall it takes about one minute for the zombie to get free.(HINT: Quick slice the crate to open fastest.) Overview #1 Overview #2 Houses Make sure to shut the door below. Ooooh some weapons with good ammo if you can get in there. Map Variant: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Game Variant Cold Night: Have fun and enjoy!!!!
Looks ok i see some interlocking, but not much and the interlocking that is there has been done sloppily. You should take a bit more time with your maps and make them look really good. Also i don't really like armories as they can overpower on maps and just make it a slaughter fest. Maybe scatter the weapons throughout the buildings so they cannot just camp in one building and "rack up killionaires" (dunno who said that but its true). It also makes the people move around to find weapons and it gives the zombies a chance. The idea was good, although not original and not very well executed. EDIT: BTW first post! (don't flame me!)
this map kinda reminds me of township but the weapons are more clusterd and you have door switches on some buildings its nice map but could use some more work done
Sort of like my Shihuruville maps. I like to see forgers create post-apocalyptic zombie maps, and makes everything fun and exciting, and definetly suspenseful...
This just looks like another one of those maps where the humans hold out until the zombie gets them. No offense, but its a tired type of game where you just stash weapons in the houses and wait for the zombie to get you. It doesn't seem very fun, the map itself looks great, and I like how the zombie has to break out of his cage or whatever, but I think you need to make a better map if you want to revive this type of gameplay. As the people above stated, the interlocking is bad, and there is little to no geomerging. I'm sorry, but it just doesn't catch my attention very much.
This is very very sloppy, the interlocking is inconsistent and ugly, next time take more time interlocking and straighten things out a bit using boxes as guides. Also try sinking your "roofs" down into the walls to make a smooth surface. And like others said i found that everyone just ran to one room and camped the entire time, not very original. 1.5/5
Sloppy interlocking, if any at all. There are armories. In my opinion the only type of map that should have armories would be sky castles. I'll give 2.5
Is this your first map? I had the same problem with my first map, I didn't interlock or geomerge and my map looked HORRIBLE. My advice, check out Forge 101 and use and practice those techniques, and it will improve how your map looks. If you want an example of how it looks, this is my map and it has before and after shots (don't need to download, just look at the pics for examples.) Also, check out the high rated maps for new ideas and thoughts, because this (like mine) has already been done before (and that's nothing bad, just wont get you a good rating.) And please don't take this as flaming, try to take this as constructed criticism. This doesn't also mean that you should quit forging, just work on what ya got and see if you get any new ideas.
yeah this reminds me of township also but still pretty good maybe you could have the weapons scarce so it make it really hard to survive but so yeah pretty good i think a 4/5 cause i love these kind of maps.
I haven't downloaded and played it yet, so I'm just basing my opinion off the screenshots. Anyways, the interlocking is kinda inconsistent. Interlocking isn't necessary to a good map; if you don't feel like you can pull it off, don't do it. As some previous posters have said, scatter the weapons around. Also, switch up the respawn locations on them, so the humans don't know exactly where the weapons will be. This will keep them moving longer, and increase the suspense. The passageways look pretty narrow-it fits with the narrative pretty good. But if you're placing it in Venice, maybe you should put some shield doors on the ground to represent water? Its a pretty good map for a first try, and I encourage you to develop your Forge skills and improve.
Looks okay, a little sloppy. Have you tested it? There's some places where it looks like you can get to little nooks where the zombies can't find you. But I like your enthusiasm.