CoD4 or WaW?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Gradex, Jan 4, 2009.


CoD4 or WaW?

  1. CoD4

    16 vote(s)
  2. WaW

    13 vote(s)
  1. Gradex

    Gradex Ancient
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    Probly one of the most popular arguments when playing wither game over XBL.

    Call of Duty 4
    Good SP Campaign
    Nice multiplayer game engine
    Nice transfer to higher time period between other CoD Games
    Made by Infinity Ward
    Big variety of maps
    Lots of Multiplayer Playlists
    Lots of weapons, can be annoying to familiarize with

    Call of Duty: World at War
    O.K. SP Campaign
    Same multiplayer game engine as CoD4
    Again, nice time transefer between time periods, allthough most people didnt like it...
    Smaller, but still big variety of maps
    Still lots of multiplayer playlists
    Not as many guns to familiarize with
    More attatchments to customize weapon
    Tanks - both good and bad

    Rules for Posting
    You can only choose 1, Not both. ex. "If this happend Cod4 is better, and if This happened, Waw" -- WRONG!
    Try to detail your awnser
    give supporting reasons
  2. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Moved to Gaming discussion. I direct you to rule 2 of the debate forum.
  3. overthehodge

    overthehodge Ancient
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    Call of duty 4, it was genious. Simple fun gameplay that comprised with a fresh set of legend characters, e.g Gaz and Vasquez. The sound is top notch and well, the multiplayer is unbelievable with the assorted weaponry and attachments. Furthermore I reckon the graphics are better and more real than Gears 2.
  4. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Meh, i think that call of duty 4 should have came out AFTER WaW. Just because, well, I think call of duty 4 was a bit better. I really didn't see a whole lot of improvement like I did from 3 to 4 because the same template was used, however call of duty 4 was a lot more original than 5, and I actually WANTED to play the campaign. Not just beat it for a zombie mode. I think call of duty 4 should have gotton the zombie mode and coop options because that's the only thing that really says this game is more up to date than the other one.
  5. CowardKLNGtime

    CowardKLNGtime Ancient
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    World at War had a better campaign in my honest opinion. I only play campaign once usually so from a multiplayer perspective. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is my pick. Tell me this, do you like to play multiplayer or campaign.

    Reason for COD4:MW-Urban Maps that aren't too large. World at War maps are way too large in my opinion, half of the time you're just walking around until you find people to shoot at. COD4 is much easier to find opponents.
  6. IPokeNinjas

    IPokeNinjas Ancient
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    Definitely CoD4, World at War has alot more multiplayer flaws and gripes about it.

    While CoD4 the only gripe was Juggernaut and Noobtubes but with CoD:WaW its about Juggernaut, SMGs, Betties, Dual Mags, Tanks, Rifle Grenades, Glitching and Hit Detection. That was just off the top of my head, but if you think about it there is high chance that you'll be playing alot of multilayer and if you don't enjoy the game, why play it?
  7. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    CoD 4's single player was alot like a movie and I actually can remember names of the characters. CoDWaW had a cool sp too but not as much as CoD 4

    Multiplayer for CoD 4 is great and everyone played it. CoD WaW was really just CoD 4.5, could have at least removed MARTYDOM!!!!
  8. CowardKLNGtime

    CowardKLNGtime Ancient
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    What's so bad about juggernaut? One more bullet of resistance can be countered by one more of damage. Which is also known as stopping power.
  9. IPokeNinjas

    IPokeNinjas Ancient
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    Juggernaut isnt hard to counter but the reason why everyone hates it is because only newer players tend to use it, with stopping power your intending to shoot at somebody more than your being shot at whereas with Juggernaut it's Vice Versa.

    I don't want to start one of these Juggernaut topics like on forums, i'm just stating my view that's all.
  10. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    totally cod 5 waw. it is way better, and cod4 campaign is fun the first time, but has very little replay value. cod5 campaign is way better, plus it has the same multiplayer mostly, only better customizations(plus i got m1a1 activation code mothafuckas!).

    anyway, cod5 is better cuz of its better gameplay, vehicular combat, FLAMETHROWER, **** zombie mode, and replayable campaign. epic win if you buy waw
  11. spacemarine

    spacemarine Ancient
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    Cod4 was so much more original, had a much better MP experience, and just was more fun. Cod5 has a worse sp imo, I just don't want to play it, you know? I really like modern combat too, and I am an avid Milsim Airsofter. lol.
  12. Undead Fanatic

    Undead Fanatic Ancient
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    Haven't the old Wars been covered enough. Power to the Future, CoD4 FTW. Better Guns, better Maps, better Campaign. Only thing CoD WaW has over it is suicidal Japs which you can light up with a flamethrower and Zombies. But if you put Zombies in CoD 4 or CoD 6 Modern Warfare 2 they would get raped by the better weapons. My friend suggested they should have Mutants instead. M60 vs Super Mutants.
    Who will win and who will lose. You Decide.
  13. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Cod WaW is a lot better in my opinion. Better campaign, better multiplayer, better maps. Also its actually challenging to kill somebody... not like Cod4 where it takes no skill to kill somebody. CoD WaW is 2000% better than CoD4.
  14. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    WaW for **** Zombies, CoD 4 for everything else. Generally I prefer CoD4. Why is every even-numbered CoD better than the odd-numbered ones (e.g. CoD 3 sucked compared to CoD 2)
  15. Dizfunky

    Dizfunky Ancient
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    In my honest opinion, I like CoD4 better.

    CoD: World at War can't even be called CoD5. It's CoD4.5. The engine is exactly the same, and the graphics are actually worse.

    The campaign in CoD4 is much better as well.
  16. cakeChart

    cakeChart Ancient
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    Definitely, infinitely, WaW.
    ~SP Campaign~
    -More fun. I much more enjoyed WaW's plane mission rather than 4's. The gun switching was more realistic, and you got to save your allies. And blowup HUGE ships as well as gun-down other planes, which is more fun that battering infantry with howitzer shots.
    -Emotional connections. Even though it was an emotional hit when Price dies as he slides you a pistol, some random Japanese soldier blowing up Roebuck hurt me more (And it's nothing close to cliched, which I love).
    -No retarded parts. I did NOT like sitting there for 5 minutes while you died, trapped in a blown-down chopper. None of that bullshit in WaW.
    -Great cinematics. The cut-scenes were good as well as the fun background info between campaign missions.
    -Enemies. The enemies were over-all more fun to fight, as they were occasionally a challenge, or maybe there were banzai's you didn't get. That aspect was fun, and I don't care how bad the AI was, it was fun.
    -Weapons. Same amount of weapons, but better weapons. Less full autos, less bullshit, more fun.
    -Better maps. More CoD4 maps have me saying "Oh **** not this map" than WaW.
    -Kill Streaks. Dogs are much better to fight than helicopters, because a)you get points for killing them and b) they are less annoying and c) easier to get rid of.
    -Prestige. You're rewarded with custom slots for prestige-ing. Now it's worth it!

    Say what you want, I've got my heart set on WaW.
  17. SwiftAssasin25

    SwiftAssasin25 Ancient
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    I personally like COD waw better.
    Maybe because in COD4 there were too many over powering weapons.
  18. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    COD4 is easily the better of the two games. The story is much more in-depth. You really get connected with the characters. Plus, the multiplayer is much more fun. A lot of people complain about "oh everyone uses _______ and owns with it". It's a complete lie and I would say abou 99% of the people that say that are just bitter because they don't know how to play against those guns -- similar to halo and the BR somewhat. In addition, many people glitch rather easily in WaW. On some maps it's practically guarunteed that people will glitch under the maps, leading to very unfair and unfun gameplay. Furthermore, the replacement of dogs after a 7 kill streak from the chopper in COD4 is a little unfair as well. In COD4 with the chopper, you at least had a chance to destroy the chopper with some easy and avoid it's fire by ducking into buildings. In WaW dogs are everywhere and are difficult to kill. Basically you get 5 free kills after a 7 kill streak, and it's no fun to play against.

    I think does a great job of breaking down both the games. I personally would go with COD4, even though it's outdated, it's still a great game that, much like halo 3, will be played for quite some time. Apart from Halo 3, it's my go-to game for FPS.
  19. mikeblair333

    mikeblair333 Ancient
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    Cod: WAW is the better over the series. They are both amazing games and definitely set the marker for other games to achieve. I prefer Cod: WAW for the following reasons:
    WAW is more gritty and allows you to get further into the mood of the situations at hand than COD4. The characters just seem to be more emotional and really puts you in the place of the soldiers (Miller and Petrenko) that you control. You get a true sense of danger, and some parts leave you in a cold sweat the first time through (you'll know what I mean if you've played the level "Eviction"). The graphics and particle effects are more used than in COD4 and put more of a sheen and glisten of light over your surroundings. The multiplayer is the same, with different weapons and added perks and attachments. Since more people are familiar with WWII and exactly what went down, you can understand what is going on slightly easier than the terrorist/communism situation in COD4. WAW is also more true to life, as COD4 is realistic, but is not exactly what goes on during the fight in Afghanistan.

    They are both stunning games and I have no problems with either, I just enjoy WAW more than 4
  20. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I enjoyed CoD4's campaign more than WaW. I've played WWII shooters for many, many years now and they all start to blur together. WaW was probably one of the best I've played, but it didn't provide an experience as unique as CoD4.

    Multiplayer-wise I'm torn. I like how the weapons are more balanced in WaW, and I love the replacement of the chopper with dogs. That was executed perfectly. However, I'm not that big of a fan of the tanks. In certain maps like outskirts they work well, because their view is limited. But in maps that are open and or small, they're far too dominating. That's more of a map issue, but its something that I feel the game really struggles with.

    So I love both games for different reasons.

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