Guide to Forge Wars Forge Wars is a game that was brought to Forgehub by TheSilenceBroken. It is a forge/slayer game where there is one forger who is given the title of God and has several responsibilities. The other players are all divided into 2 teams and are to play the game like a normal slayer game. I plan here to give you a brief guide on how to play the game to which the result will leave you the happiest. Well first of all let me explain how to set up the game and its rules. - Go into forge on a foundry canvas. - Make editing for party leader only! - Make party leader invisible and invincible. - Make everyone else have plasma pistol start and poor camo.aLSO NO STARTING GRENADES. - Make two teams. God can be on one but I wouldn’t suggest the temptation. Rules for God - No favoritism - No abuse of Power (crushing people with boxes) - You must stay in monitor mode - try to build something exciting yet playable. Rules for Players - kill or be killed. That’s about it. Tips **note: these are my opinions not fact. I do find them to hold true in most situations though** - Now, in the beginning you may be a bit sketchy on ideas for the map. Don’t worry. Just build a few things like you see in a few maps on the site. People will catch on. - Don’t interlock or geomerged. These things take a lot of time to do and the players will get bored. You do not want your players bored. This leads to disinterest and the games ultimate downfall. - Listen to your party. Your main goal is to make it fun for yourself and them. Some of their idea may actually be really good! - Build something practical like a walkway or something and then making the players unable to use it, is a big no-no. Don’t make anything useless. - Try to space your weapons out evenly, like you would in a normal map. Don’t give one side all the weapons. That goes for vehicles too.. It is not fair and causes frustration, not fun. Keep it even - Give enough cover to both sides so that the Gameplay isn’t just run out, shoot and get killed. Add a tactical perspective to your map. - My final tip is to make your map evolve and I mean in a more ways than just the amount of objects. Make the maps type of Gameplay change. Maybe make it start as A CQB map and have it change to a long range somewhere in between.
nice guide. Its a shame most people dont even know about this potentually fun game. It is bad though,when "god" gives the blue team 3 rockets and a sniper (I speak rom experiance).
Ya I said I didnt know how to play this game and he was like guess what " I am making a guide " And Im like ok.. lol So I read it, now I know how to play, thanks sharp
Hmm, seems fun, I did here someone talking about this. I have actually tried to do this and it didn't turn out to well, maybe cause I gave one side all the rockets Could we haz a videozorz
I actually like the Humans (as I call the other players) to start off with Magnums, those or Plasma Rifles. But it's a fine guide. Good job. I also can only take about 25% credit for getting Forge Wars up in running... ;P
Yeah, I thought thesilencebroken was the one to introduce it and Vorpal hopped on the bandwagon early on. I managed to geo merge once during a forge wars, I was so proud. Also, I think you guys mean plasma pistol. But I feel Forge Wars is a little overrated. It's only fun for so long.
Vorpal Saint can have 0% credit for coming up with the idea, and about 50% credit for getting the party together for the first Forge War. How bout that. Additionally, Plasma Pistol starts are the official weapon, because the players are to start with basically nothing at their disposal. Not even starting grenades.
I've got an idea for a map design: - Load up a canvas already made with spawn points for each team on either side, but block off the back rooms. - Build some double boxes (stacked 2 high) across the centre of the map so that the two teams can't fight. This way, each team is unaware what you're building for the other team. - Forge for one team at a time, and give [Mongeese[?]] to the team you're not forging for so they can piss around with them. - Then delete the wall and let them fight. But have them respawn in an area where they're trapped again so you can set up the next 'round' (i.e. the big back rooms). Whoever is the last man standing in the first round, you can give a reward to or something. - The next round could actually be a fun map. Just keep your trapped peeps entertained. Have them fight in the back rooms if they get bored, and place weapons in each room while you build the map. Then trap them in their spawns again and let them out through the window gaps. You can then replace the spawns outside the map to stop spawn killing. Just an idea. That's what I'd do if I were God. In the game ^^
In text this sounds like fun, but without the fast paced fighting going on whilst forging it'd be tempting to take your time with the structures the god is constructing. It would most likely end up one team getting bored and people quitting.