Snequest Download Conquest Download Snequest This map was made by Kapura and me, and is a snowbound map made for Conquest. The game is made to be completely underground, and all access to the aboveground area is blocked. The two teams spawn inside the bases, and follow the paths capturing territories along the way, until they reach the large open area where battle ensues. The red team's spawn area, inside of which, there are 3 BR spawns, a Power Drain, a Sniper Rifle (1 Spare clip), and a Brute shot. There is one territory inside of this base. The blue team's spawn area, with identical weapons and equipment. As the two raging teams continue, they reach the hallways, where just through the shield doors, there lies another territory. Near this territory, there are 2 plasma rifles, 2 spike grenades (45 second respawns), and further down the path, 2 Spikers. Once through the hallways, the two teams continue through the hallways into the main room, which near the large shield door, the final territory is placed. There is a health regenerator placed in the center, and a bubble shield back near the fusion cores, and there are 2 spike grenades on both sides of the cavern. There is also a single fusion core placed near the exit opposite the large screen door. As the battle continues, the carnage piles up, and the two teams struggle for control of the territories. The sparse cover in the hallways is used whenever possible. The teams push back and forth through the hallways, and deploy whatever equipment is at their disposal, with men falling left and right. Control of all territories does not come easy to either team. Casualties are very heavy, and the few power weapons are used as often as possible, which unfortunately isn't very often. This map supports 6-8 players the best, with even teams. Less than 6 players is ok, the battles are less intense and territory capture is longer; but more than 8 people is sheer pandemonium, with massive casualties and speedy capture times.
i love playing cellars so i am sure id like this map to and it looks like everything is blocked pretty good
Yeah, when TXGhost was helping us test, he said he made something like that. But I guess brilliant minds think alike. I don't know how his map plays, but I know that the map that Raw King and I made is very solid and fun, and the equipment makes the gameplay evolve drastically. Hopefully there is enough room in everybody's heart for two different snowbound conquests...
props for using one of the old maps, especially Snowbound, which is commonly thought of as the worst map ever (even Masterchief thinks so).
Yes, his map is similar, the main difference is the slight cover we added, and weapons and their placements. He added in several weapons not on Cellars ex. Shotgun, whereas we adhered more to the original weapon set. However, both seem adequate for Conquest. It's just really ironic how close these ideas came into existence.
i think this map is better looking then the cabin fever one and its good to see different scenery for once that is not on the new maps props
Lol, before either of these came out yet I was thinking about making something like this but decided against it. And within the next week 2 of them come out. Glad I didn't make one, rofl.
It is very ironic, when I joined your game my mouth just dropped open. But as for the map Cabin Fever I loved the Conquest game type and thought wow Snowbound would be the perfect map for this. But take note I wasn't trying to remake The Cellars. But onto your map, I found some of the spawns to be facing walls, not a big deal. I really liked the differences in each of our maps.
Raw King and I fixed the spawns. I don't think you were in the party for the second playtest, where we took the pictures. And ignore what he said about remaking the cellars. It was only a remake if you consider weapons, and not even truly then. I'll kick him IRL tomorrow.
My bad...I'm sorry I didn't meet your perfect standards as to how our map was not even truly a remake in regards to the weapon choices. Oh, way to kick me today/yesterdat by the by.
Awesome Im glad you posted this. I had alot of fun testing this. This is another great map for conquest.