Map Title: I'm not sure Download C.Q.B v2 Description: This is version 2, with less open space, and it's much harder to camp upstairs. This is a small, 3 level, enclosed map suited for 2-6 players. It is meant for slayer, oddball, and king of the hill. The first floor has an oversheild, and shotgun. Run up the stairs and the second floor is a needler and 2 smgs. Up a gravity lift or another staircase to the third floor and you can grab 2 maulers and and gravity hammer. This is my first attempt at a serious map and constructive critisism, as well as compliments, are very much welcomed. First Floor: The hallway leads to the shotgun, and the receiver node is no longer there. Second Floor: [img width=800 height=450][/img] Third Floor: [img width=800 height=450][/img]
Re: C.Q.B. It doesn't seem to be Close Quarters Combat, but that's just the gist of it. I'll dl it later and check it out. Nice map post, btw.
Re: C.Q.B. I was feeling uncreative tonight, I'm very tired right now. I'll probably rename it. Just hearing say you'll DL it makes me happy though. Coming from the forums, this forum is very nice.
Re: C.Q.B. Proof that God loves us. I think a good name could be something to do with the number three.
Re: C.Q.B. i like the idea of the map, but i see from the pictures that its a little open, and a problem with the 3rd floor is that there is only one way to get up there so no matter who goes up there, they can be instantly killed by a camper. u should put some stars, or make it a fence floor so people can shoot from below, (i might use that in my map)
Re: C.Q.B. the map to me looks good in design but its so empty couldnt there be a few more objects on the floor for cover and stuff unless you have ran out of resorces building the building.
Re: C.Q.B. looks good, but a little open to be Close Quarters Combat methinks... If it counts for anything, I dl 'cept that Im on a school computer and b-net is blocked.