Deadlocked is medium sized symetrical map that supports all gametypes. The map is mostly all one level except for a small level in the center of the map. Both teams spawn right next to eachother but are divided by a wall. Though if someone is camping in the spawn next to you a well-placed grenade throw could take care of that. each side has one way up to the top level witch is located down the stairs and to the left(or right depending what side your on) of the spawn. The map has somewhat of a 'U' shape to it. and at the bottom of the u is a shotgun which depending on what game type you are playing it could be a key item to have. Also you can jump out of the map. I ran out of maoney to block it off. but you really should not care whats the point of escaping it would only bring you team down one man and just tell everyone in you party to not jump out and if they do one word "BOOT".You might be wondering why the map is named deadlocked, and what the pic above is well, i was originally gonna bake the map after an arena in the ps2 game Rachet and Clankeadlocked but then relaized i wouldnt be able to due to space isues.So i came up with this map and just kept the name Deadlocked. weapons and equipment item: amount: spawn: spare clips sniper: 1: 60sec: 2 shotgun: 1: 90sec: 1 bruteshot: 2: 45sec: 2 carbine: 2: 20sec: 2 battle rifle: 2: 30sec: 1 mauler: 2:120sec: 2 overshields: 1: 150sec plasma nades: 4: 10sec spike nades: 2: 10sec radar jammers: 2: 45sec regenerator: 2: 45sec dep. cover: 2: 45sec flare: 2: 45sec alright now for the best part THE PICS!!1! the best overview i could get top level overview shotgun area overview both team spawns side b's spawn looking down from side b's stairs side b's ramp to top level side b's bottom level shoot the fusion coil at the right spot to shoot the dep. cover closer to you for easy and safe pick up sniper and overshields thanks for viewing Deadlocked guys and i hope you have fun playin download Deadlocked:
Wow Vary Neat And Symetrical I Also Like The Way You Set Up Your Barrier Bunks Nice Job 5/5 I Will Surely Dl
nice, it seems that you put hours of time into this map, the interlocking is near perfect and i like how it's symetrical like ak tulio said
This map looks like a neat, pro, and creative map. I remember when I played that game around 5 years ago and definitely will download the map when I have space.
neat and nice interlocking and seems nice. the gameplay also looks okay, but i think it is too much cover. 4/5
hey great idea of having two floors like that it just seems different then other two story maps but also u shud make the top floor a little more intresting but overall good map 4/5
very expertly made map. does it support a good infection game? sorry im an infection kinda guy. lots of good places to keep your gound. also im a big fan of ratchet and clank. is this based off of one of the maps?
the gameplay is pretty good and yes it does support infection. i havent gotten an infection game goin yetbut if youd like to help me get a game goin send me a friend request gamertag: duckman620 oh and no this isnt a map from the game i just used the name for the map.
This is an amazing map, it looks very complex. my only wish is for you to move the sniper and overshield away from eachother. I know if I were personally to get that combo, I would be able to pull away from the others in points. Not braggin, just suggesting.
couldn't you just lob a grenade over the barrier at the begining.... thats really the only thing i noticed wrong from the pics... otherwise nice map 5/5 ~tbb15