Ice Cream Man There is one zombie the Ice Cream Man who spawns The Humans spawn here The humans move down the street to the power up Action Throw Grenades Jump Got ya Well that's the end of him Map : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Game type : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details all credit for this map and game type goes to RaWxGAMERx
If the map name is corrected then I would strongly recommend this map it' really awsome with a big number of players.
I'm new to posting i don't know how to get pics up, is there any way you could put you own pics on the post?
it looks to me that the house are easy to camp and stay in for a v2 you should fix that and make it possible for the humans to not do that
oops sorry then *face palm* i would seriously consider downloading this map people it's really fun if you can get a party were the zombie won't grap the custom power up at the end it's hilarious when you jump on the wart hog and they accidentally bring you to the end trying to get you off
No. You must go to a site like and imbed your pics. The mods are probably going to lock this.
it looks like you are new to forge hub you should ask people how to make photobucket work because you need a bit of practice i like this type of map but i am not sure if you made it yourselve becase of the maney versions 2.5/5
ok dude forgehub will rape u! 1. what u need to do is go to Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket 2. then save all of your pictures FROM to your computer, 3. then go to photobucket and make a new folder and upload them. 4. go to the edit map section or create map text builder and "insert picture" 5. copy the "direct link" of the picture on PHOTOBUCKET 6. then paste the code into the "insert picture" bit then forgehub WONT rape you and you have a nice pretty map hope to see it up soon