Apocalypse Lane

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Mr Snowballs, Feb 11, 2008.

  1. Mr Snowballs

    Mr Snowballs Ancient
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    I think I'll just copy/paste from my bungie.net thread about this map because well.. this is my first post and I don't want to complicate things until I learn how to use all of the tools on here.

    This is a map I made late last night (this morning really.. i haven't slept) and I've gotten to test it with a 1v1, and both people I tested it with (two games) was really fun, and they really liked the map (another got to look at it but didn't get to play). One of our games went to 180 kills because we just couldn't stop playing.





    And I've also got a game variant to go with the map, which makes the game a lot more competitive.

    You can find the game variant here.
    Please DL it and come back to comment\rate if you like it!

    There are at least 2 of every weapon on the map, along with two of nearly every piece of equipment. There are 6 vehicles, a warthog, a ghost, 3 mongeese, and a chopper.

    Three swords can be found on the map, one in the open.. but hard to get to (I call that the retard pit... upside down fence boxes that if you fall in it's difficult to get out, but if you walk on top of the boxes you can reach the sword and go back to safety! The other is below the bridges in the middle.. on top of a box, hard to notice. Invisibility respawns rather quickly, as does the overshield (they are opposite each other in the map, so if you find one you know where the other is. Each area has its own theme... the area with walls is a maze, literally filled with weapons, so if you need a weapon that is your best bet.. but lookout, it's easy to die in there as ther are lots of turns and a few shotguns.

    The open area has the attacking vehicles, along with some turrets and some equipment which could make for a very fun battle. The back area where the fencing is has a radar jammer and a flare in the middle, and the doors are up so you can have an all out battle with someone on opposite sides using the provided fuel rod guns. Lots of sniper positions, and lots of snipers.. just look for the mancannons or go up as high as you can go if you wanna snipe. The shield-doors keep you safe from the vehicles... and also keep the vehicles safe from the tight area's (except for the chopper... you can bounce that thing literally all over the map) There are a few hiding spots, including a couple of pallets which you shouldn't overlook less you be burnt up about it later.

    Everything that can be placed... is placed... I literally don't have any spawn points, I ran out of room. There are plenty of starting points for slayer and a slayer respawn area which takes up all of the map but the retard box area so, who knows where you can respawn! (I tried putting in spawn points but it says "too many items on map" or something of the sort... I maxed this baby out. There is also a soccer ball on this map, along with a grav lift. They are cast aside and in the corner out of the way incase anyone wants them for this map if they edit it, seeing as I used the unlimited money glitch and didn't want to delete them because they would never be spawned again.

    That being said, if you edit this map... don't delete everything... or you'll probably be unhappy.

    Hope everyone likes the map and don't forget to come back and comment if you did like it so other people can play this fun map as well!

    EDIT: New link added, removed the old version from fileshare and put the new one with some more accurately placed objects, such as the walls on the retard pit.
  2. Biggles2

    Biggles2 Ancient
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    Looks like a good map I'll download and give some feedback
  3. pinecone2654

    pinecone2654 Ancient
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    you should check out forging 101 and go back and interlock some of=bjects on this map to make it neat and tidy. looks like a good rough draft map.
  4. Mr Snowballs

    Mr Snowballs Ancient
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    I actually did do that for a couple of the doubleboxes and for the fence wall near my retard pit. A few things I did not know how to do, such as one of the doubleboxes was off-center near the fans but I wasn't sure how to get it through a wall and didn't want to stack objects and delete the bottom in order to even out things due to the budget glitch being in effect on this map.

    The only thing I will probably go back and edit is the top of the bridges (what the windows are on) due to me falling asleep as I placed it and it was (as of then) un noticeably very crooked.

    EDIT: I see what you are talking about, I can't believe I didn't think of doing so at the time, i was just rushed I guess.. (on top of the fence boxes, the double walls)
  5. Projectt2501

    Projectt2501 Ancient
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    Nixe post, very thorough.
  6. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    It looks decent, I downloaded, I will return with commentary once i have a chance to test.
  7. Mr Snowballs

    Mr Snowballs Ancient
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    ty, tell me what you think

    OOh, and I edited the original post to have the link to the file... forgot to do that.
    I also updated the retard pit to fix the walls above it.
  8. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    I personally don’t like this map at all. I’m sure a certain kind of Halo player would love it though. If you like wild, crazy, casual games where anyone can come out on top, this map might be for you. If you like more traditional games where teamwork, tactics, and skill win the day, stay as far away from this map as you can.

    My first issue with this map is the abundance of stuff. You can’t walk five feet without tripping over two weapons and four grenades. It looks like someone smashed open a giant weapon piñata, since there is stuff scattered everywhere.

    And what is the deal with the upside-down fence boxes near that one sword? It looks like the idea behind it is that if you want the sword, you have to risk falling into a fence box from which there is no escape. That would be cool if there weren’t three other swords on the map. Why would anyone risk it?

    And why would anyone want to get on one of the many mongooses on this map? They could drive about 20 feet before they’d hit a wall. But while they’re driving that 20 feet, they can’t shoot and are very vulnerable to getting stuck by one of the 60 sticky nades on this map. Why would anyone do it?

    Like I said, this map might appeal to a certain kind of Halo player, but not to me. Just because you can spend $700 of budget, it doesn’t mean you have to.
  9. Mr Snowballs

    Mr Snowballs Ancient
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    Thanks for the info and thanks for trying out my map.

    The map is designed solely for FFA slayer and indeed was set up for wild games where you aren't assured victory until you get that final kill *bonus points for headshots/sticks and such and -1 for any death

    The mongoose(s) was one of the first items I placed on the map and when finished will most likely remove all of them from the certain part of the map that you were talking about.

    As for the sword? again an error on my part and I will remove all swords but the one when the map is considered "finished"

    The weapons have been neatly placed (not sure if its up in the version on my fileshare, don't want to make a new update on b.net each time i move something 3 feet) and are placed a bit farther apart. I will remove a lot of equipment and space them out even more which is something I'm sure completely ruined this game for you, as it is a bit annoying trying to pick up a weapon and having to throw out a spare equipment as you cannot pick it up. Things have been evened up a lot such as walls and bridges and even the VERY close corners area has been made more... accessible.

    Seeing as I budget glitched this map, I am hesitant to delete things as they will never come back :( Rest assured that my final product will be more professional than this and will not have a clustered tornado feeling to it.

    Either way, thank you for your imput and I hope I get a chance to show you some of my upcoming forge maps, especially a map I am creating with a friend which is turning out very neat and which I hope to be an extremely fun team oriented game.
  10. alcapone900

    alcapone900 Ancient
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    Not bad. I would like more pictures. And maybe try to make them bigger.

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