LOL jk Anyway ive been here at forge hub for a while (if 4 months is A while). I never took the time to introduce my self here, but I'm sure many of you have seen me around. I have made many friends, first friend sdrac thanks for helping out with my failed project. Umm tommorow I am getting my first big competitive map tested. Now for a few things about me: I live in Mississippi My gamertag is killerk msu cause killerk wasn't open and I love msu sports I am in tenth grade and 15 although my voice denies it, solo92 and Trilogy can confirm that I enjoy sports and tennis and soccer are my faves I just got over a gf so I am a little iretable So that's about it, I love this community and MOST of it's members And I hope too continue my stay here. Thanks for reading. P.S. I am writing this with my iPod touch woot
In inspiration from your post from your iTouch, I in return decided to reply from my iTouch despite the fact that my laptop is right in front of me. Well, here's a late welcoming to Youtuber. : D
lol Yeah I've seen you around a lot, your getting bigger to the community. LOl I havent made my introduction yet either, Im thinking about getting one, and when I do make one I'll use my Ipod touch too lol. welcome to forge hub (epic intor.)
whats with all the old people making intros lol its like teh style or something? anyway er happy b-lated welcome?
im typing this on my laptop being i am phoneless atm.... =[ anyhow welcome youtuber....sorta..... i was actually thinking of doing the same thing... way to steal my thunder XD
oh god my soul Does a keyboard connected to my computer which is currently connected to my Classic count as typing with my iPod?