I am making a Halo 3 Machinima over XBOX Live with the no weapons glitch. I have some people helping, but I want to make this a big project. Body Actors and Voice Actors are needed. Body Actors will have to be on at the right time, and with voice actors...don't whisper when you're trying to scream. Interested? Sign up below. Age: XboxLiveGamertag: Time you are on: Micyou need one, duh!)
A bit late npw, we all go back to school tomorrow. Sorry, I can't really help you as I am only on today from 1:00pm onwards. But I'll be on & off, most likely. However, I am 16, so I have a nice, gruff non-squeaky voice (sorta), so if you need me, message me. My GT is EpicFishFingers (same as my username). And I do have a mic.
I can do both. Gamertag: Steeveness (< For this sort of stuff) Aim Hiiiiigh ( For MLG ) Age: 15 Mic: Yes.
Whats the no weapons glitch? Is that just the one in Forge or is it something else? My advice is to not use XBL for the dialogue. You should really write the scripts, record the dialogue and then film it, not filming and audio at the same time.
Xbox Live Mics give crap compared to what computer mics do. And if you get a scene messed up, but the voice is what you wanted, you can never get back. If I were you, I would use XBox Live to film, and get a couple friends and yourself to do voices.
Gamertag: Lil devil9597 Age: 14 Timezone (Canada) Mic: Yup Note: I can join after School But not in the morning. Invite me when we are working on it. Dont worry I had exp in makeing Videos. I was with Teamtimeout Productions. Stay online for as long as you can ill join right after school.
But in Forge. How often do you see a machinima where everyone is the same color? Forge absolutely SUCKS for machinima, other than for actually making the sets.
You can change colors... Granted its not the same as being able to have specific armor colors, but one can make it work.
I wouldn't risk using a mod. Bungie isn't just going to unban you because you were making a machinima. Just saying that there is a chance of being banned as well as all the people you'll have in your party. It's just another reason for why halo machinima is usually best filmed on Local or Lan (along with the ability to lower weapons).
Sorry, my fault. I read EpicFishFingers' post and assumed it was you who replied. But to anyone else wanting to use mods for machinima, even though its against MS Games Content usage Rules, film it over Local, not XBL. What is the glitch? If its not in Forge then I'm sure many people will find it really useful (like the discovery of the turretless vehicles in Local, even though people claimed it was only available over XBL).
would be fun to be in a machinima so ill do it and i can do both Age: 15 (low voice) XboxLiveGamertag: The Predator720 Time you are on: any day after 9:00 pm Central (-6:00) Mic: yup just send me a pm if im in or not
actually they didnt do red vs blue in forge because everyone was a different shade of red and blue ex. sarge= crimson not red, grif= orange not red
They did one shot in Forge, which was on Last Resort when the Meta threw the warthog at Grif. You can actually see the little bubble below the warthog, but its not that big of a deal. Like I say again, Forge absolutely SUCKS for machinima.
Well, I might post it. It's where you get people tp pick up a weapon and delete as soon as you pick it up. Say...you wanna help in this?