I'm sorry but this map is terrible. All you did is place an armory in a room and block it off. I played a million of these types of maps and I've never liked them. Next time try not putting so many weapons together and have only 1 or two power weapons. 1/5
I wouldn't say it's terrible but terribly unoriginal 2/5 I like how u tried 2 do something other than foundry but this just looks campy
how is this 28 days later, it looks like an annoying blocked off little campy area loaded with weapons and equipment. 1/5
This just looks like another Who-can-*****-the-turrets-for-the-longest-and-get-5-killionaires-and-quit-when-you-get-infected game. Sorry, but there's only one entrance, there are two many power weapons, and I bet there's infinite ammo, too.
CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISISM? I hope you guys remember that phrase becuase it is what a lot of map posts here lack. Kryticate, unlike many new members has seemed to have read the rules and has produced a well presented post. So that has to be a good point, don't just shunt the map. Right. Yes, I have to agree with some of the members here that this map isn't the best but I understand that you're new to ForgeHub and haven't seen the very high standards of some of the map posts. Armouries (1 small place with tonnes of weapons) are normally resented here so in case you don't want to get flamed by people I'd advise you to do something different with them. Onto the layout now. Obviously, the map was designed to have been in such an enclosed space, just as a lot of infection maps are. You can't do a lot more to the map because of the fact it is so inclosed, but if you wanted to expand it to more of Sandtrap, then that's entirely up to you. I think that a few too many power weapons have been used on your map but lets look at the specifications of this. Power weapons usually take more time to load, thus giving the infected a little more time to break in. I'm not saying the the best weapon choice has been used, but in infection games they are used frequently because of that fact. If you were to expand this map into more of Sandtrap, a few more weaker weapons could be used to your advantage. E.g. BR's, AR's etc... But for now, I'd say remove all but 1 (or all) the turrets becuae they are too overpowering. Infected will get bored of keep trying to break in and faling most of the time. Other than that, not much else to change in the weapon set for this. To sum this up, there is not a huge amount you can do to improve this map and it's not fantastic but with a little effort you could overcome the challenge. Good luck and it's a 2/5 from me. EDIT: EpicFishFingers, there is not unlimited ammo. You obviously haven't read the description becaue it notes that weapons and ammo do not respawn.
here at forgehub a huge part of posting your map is embedding your pictures this an be done by, wait you embedded your pictures correctly first try? you get a cookie now onto business there are 3 things that we forgehubbers hate in infection big armorys fatkid and super fast highjumping no shield zombies now onto your map, you can obviously ***** the turret the whole time so try making 3 of them face the wall so you have to rip them off giving you limited ammunition, unblock a entrance (if theres one from above do it but if there isn't do the one from behind) all the power weapons are fine if your unblocking a entrance and please, change the title this has nothing to do with the movie until then 1 turret ***** out of 5
28 days was never really about digging in and fighting, it was mostly about running away and getting to saftey.