Parameter map pack

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Stolenpoo, Feb 13, 2008.


    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    Redemption looks f'ing crazy. I'll give it a dl.
  2. Ki Jason

    Ki Jason Ancient
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    thanks everyone.
  3. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    I'll get back here with some more thoughts when I have more time. But for now, there's one thing I wanted to mention.

    I was running around on Overflow and I was in the pipeline near the rockets and I looked up at the control room. When I saw how the fan is perfectly centered behind the control room window I nearly crapped myself. I should have taken a pic of it, but you should definitely post a picture of that. Maybe I'll post it if I get time. Great looking map.
  4. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I checked out Redemption this morning in a forgethrough and it's pretty sweet. A bit heavy with the weapons, but I like lots of variety. The only problem I saw, and this was the only small problem with Spillway as well, is that it's super easy to leave the map. I'm not bit on trying to get out of maps (and people who do that all the time are annoying twits), but from the 2nd floor as you're heading towards the two bay doors of Foundry, you can easily jump up on the crate there to the top of the boxes. Now that part is a cool vantage point and I'm not suggesting you eliminate that. But it looked like you had some boxes left that could have been used to eliminate any possibility of map leavage (I just made up a new word!) from that area up there.
    The overall layout structure is really cool; it seems like a bigger map even though you only use about 2/3 of Foundry. You guys really know your stuff and obviously work well together. The prolific use of extra scenery really adds to the overall feel of this one as well as Overflow. I'm looking forward to playing this sometime soon with a group to see how it actually plays. I may hit you guys up for a game sometime when I catch you online.
  5. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
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    There’s no point in arguing that this duo knows their way around forge. Their first map pack left me with a sour taste lingering in my mouth due to the fact that the maps felt rushed and therefore thrown together. This time around they’ve tucked in those loose ends and pulled out the heavy machinery. If you came here looking for good maps then look no further. I’m not saying they are perfect but they are quite an upgrade from the last ones.

    Aesthetic / Functionality
    I’m not really too fond of cramped maps but you guys manage to pull it off pretty good. You’ve done a good job with the interlocking but I feel that you could have used it more then you already have.
    You’ve also done a good job in creating a varied battleground however I do feel that the map is far too easy to escape out off. If you have the budget I really think you should try to box it in even further.
    I also applaud the use of scenery like barrels, pallets etc. it’s something that most forgers forget to place on their maps. It really brings the map together and makes the map “come to life”.

    Basically all the spawns look good, except for a couple ones that I really think you ought to move, but I’ll get back to that in a moment. Actually all of the spawns are placed facing good directions, it doesn’t matter on which of the spawnpoints a player’s gonna spawn because there shouldn’t be confusion as to where he / she is and where they could / should go. Kudos.
    But on to the spawns that I think you should move, you’ve actually placed quite a few spawnpoints right next to fusion coils. Nobody wants to spawn hugging a death trap.

    Weapons / Equipment
    At first I thought that you might have placed too many weapons on the map but I came around and since the map is so intricate and you haven’t placed powerweapons right next to each other I think you’ve managed to pull it off.

    I would need to playtest this map a lot more in order to give a fair judgment on how balanced the map actually is but I think you guys have done a good job on it. Good work and happy forging!

    Peace // gorebound
  6. Stolenpoo

    Stolenpoo Ancient
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    Thank you all for the replies and the support. The latest map is now up. One more to go. Sorry its taking so long. Just started a new job and school is murder.
  7. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
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    Once again we get to see a blocked off Rat's Nest...sorry if I'm not excited, but these (including mine) seem to be dropping down like a dime a dossen nowadays.

    I'm looking forward for your last one at least :).
  8. Stolenpoo

    Stolenpoo Ancient
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    you will like it. its on foundary though. Great fun design.
  9. Ki Jason

    Ki Jason Ancient
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    yes, yes it is.
  10. goldman 010

    goldman 010 Ancient

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    i like overflow and corrdior very creative
  11. Ki Jason

    Ki Jason Ancient
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  12. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Overflow is just a beautiful map. All of the small details are what make this map stand out amongst the rest.
  13. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Yeah, after seeing this and a few other maps I realised I really need to learn to decorate my maps better.
  14. Epic Tusk

    Epic Tusk Ancient
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    I played a 3 ball game on Overflow and it was one of the funnest games of Oddball I have played. Redemption is very fun but I dont like how it is not fully blocked off :(. I wasn't that impressed by Corridor but y'all did a good job on the game play. I can't wait for the next map Y'all.
  15. Ki Jason

    Ki Jason Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks everyone

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    jeez, haven't seen the other freakin amazin maps the other two look enthralling
  17. Stolenpoo

    Stolenpoo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    sorry my halo disc got messed up bad the other day. Don't worry, i killed my brother for it... oh and i'm trying to get sombody to lend me thier disk.
  18. JediWithASniper

    JediWithASniper Ancient
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    The Furious Review

    By: JediWithASniper

    Here are my ratings, and review.

    Enjoyment: 7 out of 10

    Balance: 7 out of 10

    Durability: 8 out of 10

    Aesthetics: 8 out of 10

    Originality: 8 out of 10

    Overflow, the gameplay rings true to the name, in this map you have to be a crack shot, and keep hammering that trigger, or you will get washed away. This map plays faster than almost any I have played recently, boasting a 50 point 4v4 match finishing in less than 10 minutes. (If I remember correctly) But the gameplay has a very tense edge to it, kind of run for your life, and hope you can kill that guy before 10 other people shoot you sort of feel. The speed of the gameplay should not get in your way of viewing the whole map, overall it has an awesome look, and reminds me somewhat of the trench from hang em high. If you are looking for fast, fast, fast, or you just want to cool it down with a game of doubles, this map will meet all your expectations.

    My Overall Rating Is: 8 out of 10
  19. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Heaven is a Half-Pipe

    As a Foundry Competative, and a small one at that, Overflow works wonders. It's much improved from
    Spillway. The half-pipe looks great and really defines the space. It makes me think of a sunken Hang 'em High.
    It's thoroughly balanced and should be good for any small to medium game you want to play.

    I had a real problem jumping out of the pipe when I wanted to. (Honestly, I did much better down in the pipe,
    every time I managed to get out, I got killed). The jump is easy enough in a single-player test, but when I
    was under the pressure of battle, I always seemed to blotch the timing. I can see a very simple modification
    that would help greatly and not mess up anything. Just move all four stair sets slightly outwards from the
    pipe. There's plenty of room to slide them over, and this would help by making it so a player doesn't have to
    run all the way to the center of the pipe before he can even attempt to get out of it. I normally wouldn't
    suggest a map change in a review, but in this case, I think it is such a simple change that would be a big

    Overall, great job. It's already been a Forge Hub featured map in it's first incarnation, so I think that says
    all that needs to be said about Overflow.

    Enjoyability: 8/10
    Durability: 8/10
    Aesthetics: 9/10
    Origionality: 7/10
    Balance: 9/10

    Pred's Overall Score: 9/10
  20. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
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    Author: Stolenpoo & KI Jason​

    Overall Enjoyment Durability Aesthetics Originality Balance

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    8/10 8/10 7/10 8/10 9/10 9/10

    Map Recap: The Parameter Map Pack, consisting of three maps, Corridors, Redemption, and the one I am reviewing, Overflow (one yet to be released). Here is a quote from Stolenpoo's post "two sides both having a tunnel, a complete catwalk that goes absolutely all the way around this time, wider pipe, overflow drain to hold the active camo, conversion of the lift to a stairway" this gives a brief description of the map.

    What I really liked about this map is the layout. It is very original, from the huge pipe in the middle to the small hallways on the sides. Another big thing was that no weapon over powered anything else, well to a certain degree. For example you could easily take out the sniper in the sniper post since there were fusion coils around him. And the rocket firstly was out in the open, and once you got there you could again be killed by fusion coils.

    There really isn't too much wrong in this map. I saw that you guys interlocked where you had to but no where else, don't get me wrong it was a smooth ride from piece to piece, just it would have been nice if I didn't lose a few grenades through cracks. Dealing with the durability it also seemed, not hard, but just took a little time to get out of the ditch when you fell into it. Balance wise it seemed like there were a lot of plasma grenades where you could just spam grenades the whole game.

    Overall, this is a great map, with great originality to it.

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