Would you join a site dedicated to the secrets of halo?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Knight Kninja, Jan 3, 2009.


Would you join a site like this?

  1. Yes

    9 vote(s)
  2. No

    2 vote(s)
  3. Not sure

    0 vote(s)
  1. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    Hey FH community, ive been running something through my mind a while, and i was wondering what the community thought. If there were a site dedicated to solving the secrets and delving into the mysteries of Halo, would you join? Bungie has already stated that the biggest secret is yet to be found, so i think a site like this would still be a good idea.

    I have seen some posts on here about some really neat secrets and things, but they get neglected because the community is so large and only a small portion of the community pays attention to this stuff. A site like this would give people who like this stuff a chance to discuss this with their peers.

    There is an extra feature i have thought about, and this would be a great idea for a community like this to be used.. its called Research Leagues:

    So heres my question: if there were a site out there for this stuff, would you join it? or at least be interested?

    And mods, lock if you will, or if you think i am advertising. in my eyes, im not, just collecting opinions, but if you see fit, please do lock.
  2. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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    umm not a bad idea, finding secerts of halo,
    There could be a little fourm about something like a csi halo or something (just a little game I just thought of lol) but yea I would more than likely join good idea.
  3. CowardKLNGtime

    CowardKLNGtime Ancient
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    I don't think that the site would be that popular personally. I would probably browse it if something spectacular was found, but I'm not really an easter egg nut.
  4. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    As you're already aware of dedication to this soon-to-be-made site, here is reasons whys I would do so.

    First off, we will be the first. As you know there is no other site out there dedicated to Halo 3 secrets/Easter eggs/etc. If our site finds something huge, that soon becomes publicized we will be the ones getting credit, since we would deserve it. No other site can even proclaim it theirs. Second off, is I love the idea. In Halo 2 there were many easter eggs and secrets that people enjoyed observing. Now, most of the easter eggs Bungie has put in the game aren't even noticed. I want to feel part of something that has a goal, and which goal I enjoy. The goal of the site is definitly to my pleasing, so I approve. I'm not in a rather good mood to type alot, but thats my take on this. I'm anticipating the release of the site, and can't wait to crack down on some secrets.
  5. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Ya I would love to join this site and check it out, I am very curious with this kind of stuff and I cant wait to see how the site will turn out. Is it a realy site or is like a free web page.
  6. Blue Pariot

    Blue Pariot Ancient
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    I would most definitely join. I think it's a really good idea. Also, don't worry about whether or not a lot of people would join. It may actually be easier to keep a close community with less people. What type of web site do you plan on creating (vBulletin, Freewebs, ning)?
  7. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    K heres what i have planned. At first, i was planning on creating a whole forum. This would cost me $250 for basic hosting and vBulletin. I talked to a friend of mine who runs a gaming forum. Its pretty active but it doesn't have something that makes it stand out. He said he would gladly add this to the forums. Once we have it set up il notify you guys, thanks for the support.
  8. HydroZoid

    HydroZoid Ancient
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    id love to join a site of that nature as being the first is definetly i am obsessed with.

    the only thing i am worried about is the lack of material in the forum...
    as dry-spells are probably going to be common.

    i have run into far too many forums where people discuss the same things over and over again.

    hopefully it is not too late for a site like this to be begun.
    i wish you luck. and please make me one of those you notify
  9. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    No, I would not. For one I know of a much better site that's much more reliable. Not only do they cover Halo secrets, but they cover all other games that have secrets too. They also do glitches, and secret hiding spots. Getting to high places, and all that bacon strip stuff.

    So, not meaning any harm KK, I would not join that site.
  10. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    I would more than likely join,but will let it get spammy like off-topic?
  11. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    thats the thing, at first it was gonna be a forum, but then my friend said that he would simply add a category to his forum. im gonna start there and see where it goes. since im a moderator at the site, im gonna make it so it doesnt get off topic. i am gonna be pretty strict if people get off topic.
  12. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    OK,youll probly see me there :)
  13. CowardKLNGtime

    CowardKLNGtime Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That has actually convinced me to want to find some eggs in the game. Damn that was influential.

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