My first new sig for a while actually. And my triumphant return to GIMP, after months of Photoshop. I tried to keep it nice and simple. The background pic is the factory outside foundry.
thats pretty nice actually. use a lighting effect, if possible, theres 2 conflicting light sources right now it looks like. also, the render's feather effect was kinda obvious, maybe you should make it bigger. but a good job, very simple and effective
Is that the outside of foundry? And maybe try making the font a tiny bit darker, and adding a tiny bot more opaciety to the MC, there is just a conflict in colours, blending them a little better would solve it.
wuts in teh background? and personally i feel that Master Chief should be more solid instead of the edges being feathered
the newer one is way too blurry and the feathered edge is still kinda obvious, it might just be better to not feather or do very little feathering, maybe do a slight color balance or something... the mass effect one is pretty cool, but the words are hard to see
I aggree that the words are hard to see, you should cgange the colour. Also, because the background looks like Saren, it sort of blends in too much. But I can live with that lol
Lol, I can't seem to get anything right... I guess I'll stick with half right. The background picture is the factory outside of foundry! And I made the background from the picture of Saren, so that's why it looks like him. I agree with the text part, too.