A new video out with a bunch of tricks I composed and compiled, hope you like it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGSfxh3Nn7o&feature=channel
Actually we have a couple more, enough to make another video infact. We, being GaurdRabbit and I, wanted to see how the community liked the videos, and if we got enough positive feedback we would release another. Thank you Frag =)
wow not bad i have a video myself that me and my friends are going to post and it involves halo 3 skating so will see! Nice vid though a little short but im sure its just a sample!
Wasn't intended to be, but GuardRabbit, whom captured and edited this video, apparently did not recieve all the clips, so I have enough for a second video =)
Wow, very good job. The tricks are not the only impressive thing you have here, the angles were almost perfect, the music went along with the video very well, and the video has great timing between clips. ScarFac3d, I wasn't expecting this much from you. Again good job and keep at it.
Alright, having a little trouble finding my Halo 3 disc, I put it in my Dead Space case because I was playing Dead Space, and now I can't find it =( I'll keep searching.
Not very long, gather clips was the hardest and that came from screwing around during downtime. I found my Halo 3 Copy, so if anyone wants to get footage, send me a message on here and I will make room for you on my friends list.
pretty interesting vid, showcased the actual parts that I had previously thought merely aesthetic (lacking any purpose whatsoever), and the end was particularly interesting. You cant go wrong with The Offspring neither.
If anyone would like to download this video, you can do so at the following link. Halo 3 Skating GuardRabbbit - FileFront.com
dude I just got the best idea that you could do, you could host a tournament. make 2 players on a team one driving the other in the back. You can have 3 judges. The tournament will be about a skating competition, but on mongooses. The team that has the best tricks wins, then it could be on the front page and everything, kinda like the template, 2v2 faceoffs, and all of those competitions. I dont wanna host it though because i cant ride mongooses or even know the first thing about them. as for the video though it was awsome I've never seen tricks like those I can't wait for the second one.
they're really good but I think it would be a whole lot cooler if you focused on things you could do in the skate park w/out explosives. For me it seemed like those tricks could be done on any map. The first trick was very cool though. All in all 7/10.
Video added to ForgeHub's Channel (ForgeHubTheatre) courtesy of Nitrous. Really good channel which all of you should subscribe to. If you check out the video on either of the channels, I would appreciate it if you would comment and rate.
cool vid must have been you guys just "skating" around for awhile to get that many good highlights.....shweet