This has always been a serious question, whick is more popular, Crushed or Cubed ice? Along with others like Shaken or Stirred, or like toasted or cold subs. Feel free to post other options like the ones said. But please NO company comparisons (ie coke or pepsi).
Crushed is definately better (plus it fits into a watter bottle), but cubed ice is way easier to make. Crushed ice wins overall though, in my opinion.
Cubed, I don't like it crushed and stuff cuz I want cold & not texurey(if thats even a word). & for the record i like my ladies shaken not stirred XD
Crushed clogs up my fridge so I stick with cubed. I've also noticed that crushed is almost too cold to drink.
Crushed Ice is easier to chew and plus its smaller and takes up less space to cool your drink. Ya when I go to my refrigerator its always crushed ice
always picked crushed over cubed for drinks but when i go outside ill pick cube. it just seams to stay colder longer. but idk. yes i like my babys shaken
I use cubed because it fills the glass quicker. I've never actually used cubed, does it make a difference?
i dont understand why smaller ice isnt made, that would basically be crushed, like really small spears or cubes, that are maybe 1 millimeter by all sides. and crushed definetly delivers a cooler drink, i think, so im all for crushed.
Tiny Ice Cubes What's in your mind..... available online: Pro Cocktail Mini Ice Cube Trays | Uncrate
One millimeter? You mean centimeter? A millimeter would practically be the size of the period at the end of this sentence.
ice³. Anyways, crushed ice is annoying. I have sensitives gums, and cold food items are really ****ing cold!
The ice "cubes" at my house are semicircular, so they kinda block my drink because they are so big. Otherwise I'm pretty ambivalent about my ice.
crushed Crushed because it's much easier to make a frozen beverage with crushed, say a frozen Margarita or a strawberry daiquiri.
I hate crushed ice because then I have to drink through my teeth, or actually crunch the ice in my mouth which I don't like. If a person before me does crushed ice I usually get a few crushed cubes which I don't like.