yes, this site is acually a hotel in desguise.would you like the penthouse suite,or the room next to the pool?
Silly nubs Forgehub is not a hotel. Forgehub Is a fastfood restraunt. "Welcome to Forgehub, home of the forgehub, can I take yer ooooorrrrder?" Anyway welcome to forgehub, and yes there are alot of rules so you might want to read them. EDIT: Does anyone get the reference in there?
welcome to forgenub,where we forge nubs! just kidding welcome to forgehub read the rules and enjoy your stay
lol you guys are probaly confusing him with all this hotel and restraunt talk. well, welcome to forgehub, I hope you enjoy the site and If you have any questions just message me my profile click on this link to learn a lot more forging techniques forging 101 click on this link to learn all about the rules the forgehub rules just message me for anything (thats how you welcome someone