I took this during matchmaking without it being staged or anything but unfortunately i died right after =(
U died, sadface. Cool pic, happyface. 4/5 Edit: wait wait wait. Shadow Shotty? I think more like Extremely Bright Shotty. Don't you?
It looks like you got tazered lol, but nice screen shot, it doesn't really remind me of a shadow in anyway. Its more of a light shot then dark lol nice pic
well i called it "Shadow" because my armour has different shades of black on it so i called it that even though it kinda does look like more of light, but i like "shadow" better it sounds more epic =)
looks nice. i dont like when ppl make screenies with over shield. idk why, maybe cuz it looks like they have no shields. but the stare is intense, and lighting is good. i also like (in any pic) when u get at a good angle, the armor looks almost like its real