Guys pleased help.... Im so P Oed or however you say it. My 360 RROD , only 1 light. I have to send it to microsoft. So what im wondering is that i had the PS3 b4 i had the 360 and sold my PS3 because of the games, dashboard, ect. But now the PS3 has all of that to. SHould i sell my 30 and get the PS3? FANBOYS WELCOME:happy: I got the Xbox 306 ELITE 4 mo ago Also guys i think like the Xbox and Wii are dead. In the next gen marketplace they will HAVE to use blueray in order to even compete in the market. Plus blueray disc can hold up to 400gb. On one disc compared to Microsoft's dual layer DVD which is only 9gb
Yeah but that makes you think, is all that 400gb really necessary to a game? Anyway, fix your awful spelling mistakes/grammar and then i'll think about answering the question at hand.
First off, RROD is not 1 red light. I am pretty sure you don't have to send your xbox in because of that. Second, what do you mean, the PS3 has that stuff? It still has hardly any games, and most of those the xbox has as well. Now, I am no fanboy, but I'd rather be playing on a 360 controller than a PS3, because the analog sticks suck. You also brought up blu-ray? That isn't next gen gaming at all. That's entertainment, which is completely different. Name all the positives of owning a PS3 that an Xbox 360 doesn't have, cause I bet you they are "Blu-Ray, Internet, Blue-Tooth, etc." If you want an entertainment system, get a PS3, but if you want a gaming console, it definitely does not succeed. Anyway, back to blu-ray. Blu-Ray has longer start up, so you initial game loading times will be longer. Also, that much space is not helpful unless you have games like MGS 4, which is a huge exception. I also want to bring up the fact that you have to download the games to the PS3 hard drive (which is internal, not conveniently external) and they have significantly smaller hard drives than that of a 360 Elite, and since their games hog space. Do you have a lot of empty space on your shelves? You'll need it because the PS3 is a brick, and has a rounded top so you can't even put anything on top. That is partially due to the internal disk drive, which breaks just like the xbox has RROD. What's more, is the fact that Sony's customer services sucks, and you are forced to pay at least shipping to get your PS repaired. Honestly, do not sell your box just because you got a red light, and then get a PS3. If you want a gaming console, get an Xbox first, not a PS. If you already have the box, then get the PS, because it is worth the money. With a PS you are paying for an entrainment system, and that is why gaming on it fails.
Sorry ,but if you want to be that way i don't want your answer..... DO you know how stressful this is.......
Ok I will respond to each thing you said one at a time. Thing the PS3 has the Xbox 360 doesn't you right those are three. And there a very good three. Although yes it is a home entertainment system. That also has made strives in the Online play industry and has revolutionized it with the use of blueray. Also you say oh you can't replace the hard drive. YOu sir are wrong. The PS3 runs a laptop hard drive and can hold up to 750gb of memory. YOu can't say it has no good online and I can tell you right now it is getting slowly better then the 360 marketplace. And BTW you can change the PS3 hard drive from 80gb to 320gb for 100$ , for 100$ you can buy a 60gb for the 360............... The 360's failure rate is 35.67 percent. The PS3 has a failure percent of .01 to .001. Oh on gaming it fails..... Not really, with the innovation of HOME it brings that factor that attracts people from all sorts of walks of life. Im not gonna touch on that.... Ok im done... Ohhh cool down. Lol don't get me started. Oh and the PS3 is just as thick as the 360. Or a little thicker and a little taller. But it still looks smaller because of the concave. And yes the costumer support isn't ideal but the only reason the Xbox console has such good support is because of its high failure rate, they need it. Also Microsoft and nintendo are not gonna last next gen because they don't have blueray. While bluray has 400gb , DVD only has 9gb , they won't last sorry. And the price to get the 360 to have everything the Ps3 has out of the box is around 600-700 instead of the 400 for the PS3 Keep in mind this is a rebuttal of my thoughts because i want to get them straight not a w/e you want to call it. ( sorry for spelling to stressed)
IF you ask a question and already have a biased view on it, don't bother asking the question. The PS3 runs a laptop hard drive and can hold up to 750gb of memory. -While bluray has 400gb -I also want to bring up the fact that you have to download the games to the PS3 hard drive So one game is 400gb, and the memory is only 750? Honestly tell me, what games are on the PS3 that aren't on the 360? 360 gives you options, it's not as 'advanced' as PS3, but it certainly has a bit of an edge on it. And have you heard of the new chips in 360's? The Falcon? The Jasper? Blueray is a ****ing joke anyway. It's not like most of the games on the PS3 really took advantage of it.
There is no console war. Nor should there be any stress in getting one red light on a 360. I suggest you let yourself cool off from being stressed and actually take into consideration what some members are saying. What makes a system is it's games. Without good games a system will suffer immensely. The xbox 360 has a ton of games that are decent and many games that are amazing. The Wii has some unique games that involve moving. The PS3 still does not have a huge line up of games. Getting rid of your xbox 360 to get a PS3 is like throwing your only gun into a pit of zombies, again. You will regret it, again. If you really think the grass is really greenier on the other side. Send in your xbox for repair or try replacing the cables. Save your money and be patient and buy a PS3.
YOu don't download the entire game maybe like 512-1gb just to make it run faster. What edge does it have on the PS3 its internet options and now more advance on the PS3. Yes i have but the Cell and the new cell v2 are still much faster. And the Falcon and Jasper upgrade the GPU now CPU so get over it games mainly need the CPU and the 360 is locked not non share that power while the PS3 can share it between its areas. Your right the blueray for now is not being taken advantage of, but some games such as little big planet, Home and MGS4 have really taken advantage of it. Where will the 360 be next gen without blueray..... no where
My personal opinion summarised and simplified - Don't waste your money on a PS3. True, the games are yet to fully utilize the ENORMOUS space that a blu ray disc can hold. But you can really tell a difference between 1080i and 1080p when watching a film. I borrowed Little Big Planet last night for two days. I had family over that night so I couldn't get on the PS3. When I finally got a chance to play, I was pretty tired. I just wanted to play the game for half an hour or so and do something else. Well, I put in Little Big planet. It had to download an update, then it had to download ANOTHER update, then the game itself wasn't speedy to load. I waited about 25-30 minutes just to play 1 game for about 20 minutes. Pardon my french but that's ****ing ridiculous. The initial download of the game supposedly makes it quicker to play afterwards but other than there being no 20 minutes of downloading, I noticed no speed increase in the load times. I didn't enjoy Little Big Planet, I got about 4 levels deep became bored. The world isn't ready for Blu Ray. Sure there are the people who just love that beautiful picture but not everyone is willing to fork out nearly a grand just for a PS3. I say nearly a grand because that's about how much it takes to make it worth anything(enjoyment-wise). I lol'd at that. PS3, 360, Wii are the next gen consoles(for now). And the way you've said that implies that the 360 will have no sucessor. IMO, the best use you'll get out of a PS3 is watching Blu Ray movies. And even then you're MUCH better off getting a stand alone Blu Ray player as the PS3 is far from what the normal person would call user friendly.
From what I heard xbox 360 compared to the ps3, xbox 360 wins in my opinion. I like it because all my favorite games are on it and plus I have no friends from school that play ps3 online. All I hear is 360, so why would I want a ps3 when all my friends are playing 360. It may and may not be the same around where you live. Also I believe the RROD has 3 rings not 1 so either you made a mistake in typing or you really meant 3 rings who knows. But in conclusion, yes I dont have the details and data like the rest to, but this is a FH community and we all ( by my knowledge ) know what we are talking about when it comes to this type of stuff.
Do you know how stressful it is reading your posts? Please, sell your 360, it'll make sure I don't run into you on XBL. Obviously you just posted this to say the PS3 is better than the 360, rather than ask for advice. Blu Ray isn't anything special, and having to download the games is worse. As Linu said, it's a great Entertainment device, but not for gaming (compared to it's competitors, the Wii and 360). Also, the 360 isn't failing, the PS3 is, so GTFO. P.S. Don't double post.
Blu-Ray is dead slow and is no better than 360 games. But a PS3 if you want (and if you like Resistance, it's one of the only good exclusives), but don't sell your 360. You'll regret it. EDIT: Also, PS3 has too many gimmicks. For Example: - Home is a gimmick. There is nothing on there that you csan't do on NXE essentially, except wonder around with your friends and have a house like on That's entertainment. It's a games console, it should excel in gaming, not entertainment - Sixaxis is a gimmick. Honestly, when do you use it? That's what I thought. - Blu-ray for the games is a gimmick. The blu-ray DVDs are amazing, but I'd rather have a separate blu-ray player for the PS3 like the 360 had with HD DVD (I don't care that they failed, it means nothing to me). But for the games, it's for a lack of a better word, ****. Parts of the games have to be installed onto the hard drive (not an external HD either) so it has similar load times to that of the 360. They also duplicate frequently-used game data (e.g. loading screens etc.) and put it in empty spaces on the disc so that the laser doesn't have to travel as far. - The internet browser is a gimmick. It's worse than my mobile phone's browser. I don't care if it's free, your broadband isn't. And if you don't have a computer, why do you have a router? And that's why the PS3 is a gimmick
Does anyone use the PS browser for anything but porn? Unless you buy a keyboard, it's nearly impossible to do anything on it in a timely manner. And I can't vouch that the keyboard will help either
For people who say one red light isn't bad: This problem may be caused by a hardware failure in your Xbox 360 console. Which in my experience is usually bad.
Next gen Microsoft (and Sony) will have a whole new system... so why does it matter if the 360 has blueray or not? Blueray isn't the standard format just yet, so why support something that isn't yet in its prime? Blueray players are still a slow and chunky, they haven't had the time to reach the speed and ease of DVD players. Sony added hardware that wasn't cost effective (or efficient) at the time...and still isn't. Sony is just lucky that Blueray won the HD battle, otherwise PS3 would be looking even worse off than it already is. In the end you should be looking at what games are available for the system, not what potential the hardware has. You could have the ultimate swiss army knife system, but it would still be a brick without any games to play on it.
Explain how I am a fanboy and how that is biased? I play my friends PS3 at his house, so I have experience with it. I am not blindly saying it sucks ( I am saying compared to other gaming consoles, it is the worse, but a great entertainment system). The main reason I am tempted by a PS3 is Little Big Planet, and Blu-Ray. I went out and bought a standalone Blu-Ray player in the end, so now all that stands is really LBP. Honestly, pull your head out of your ass and support your accusations, or gtfo.
I side with Xbox 360 and I have many reasons. 1. 360 has a lot of good or high rated games. PS3, not so much. 2. 360 has extremely good online play. PS3 games from what I know, lack in that a bit. 3. 360 is cheap and effective. PS3 isn't so cheap. 4. Microsoft is willing to fix your 360 for free if you get RROD or any other errors. 5. DVD is still the standard for movies. Blue-ray isn't quite there yet. Also, not to forget, DVD is also cheaper. 6. Xbox has MANY exclusive games while PS3 has few. 7. Most PS3 and 360 games has comparable graphics. Especially since not everyone can afford a hi-def TV. Anyways, the only reason I would want to buy a PS3 is for MGS:4 and the blueray player. Most people I know joke about it being a Blueray player that can play a few games. I always lol. As for the "Next Gen Console War", thats been over for a while now, and from what I remember, 360 won with the Wii in last. As for the next war, I have a feeling microsoft will be making a new Xbox with a blueray player because they can. Hopefully it will be smaller...