Created by: Camoflaug Recommended players: 4-6 players supported gametypes: One-Flag,Team Slayer, KOTH V2 Changes- As some know i completely remade the map after posting V1 besides from spawns i also made some major changes such as... -high post at defenders spawn -access to the back hallway of foundry -budget glitched the map -added structures to back wall defenders base -modified back room -improved lifts -bridge structure added at attackers spawn -added platform at defenders base Intoduction: People of forgeHub, I Gladly give you my lastest forge creation "FrameWork". FrameWork is a asymetrical 2v2, 3v3 team slayer variant map. It`s original layout gives framework unique and timeless gameplay. With a variety of 3 gametypes FrameWork gives a large range of options and strategy to out play your oponents. With well planned structures and of course some beautiful asthetics, FrameWork is truely one of a kind. Layout: As i said FrameWork is a 2v2, 3v3 map. While only blocking off one back room FrameWork feels very spacious and well rounded.FrameWork is shaped in a "U" formation with a off centered middle surrounded by 2 high post structures providing a sense of advantage but still maintaining fair gameplay for the low ground.The "U" formation surronding the middle of the map acts as defending posts and repels the enemy from scoring the flag. GamePlay: Map control and team work is the key to victory and the strategic will prevail. Having Weapon control and a sense of the maps layout will help you out play your opponents making you one step closer to victory.Gameplay is generally fast at the beginning and canget very intense when it comes to defending you teams flags.The use of the lifts leading up to the high posts in the middle adds a sense of originallity to my map.You will always find u throwing that satisfying frag grenade from above killing the flag carrier. Or beating down your opponent with your flag when he flys up the lift.Gameplay is very iintense and very unexpecting never knowing what kind of exciting game you will play next on FrameWork. Weapons and Equipment Rocket Launcher(1) Sniper Rifle(2) Battle Rifle(10) Carbine(1) Needler(1) Smg`s(4) Plasma Rifle(2) Plasma Pistol(1) Power Drainer(1) Plasma Grenade(6) Frag grenade(6) Action Shots THANKS TO.... ALL MY TESTERS sdrakulich for completely saving my map and spending countless hours re-glitching it. (wouldn`t have the map if it wasnt for his patience). Bl00D F1R3- for budget glitching it in the first place DOWNLOAD
Looks delicious and I see some great alleyroom merging. Only problem that comes to mind is it looks a bit too open below in picture 5.
xSharpshooter94 said he tested this and it was great, and from the pictures, I think I agree. I really like the layout in this map, also the interlocking and geomerging is very sexy. nice job
I just played this. It was really fun. Clean structures, flowed pretty well, although I would have liked a few more ramps up to the second level instead of jumps. That was my only complaint. Played really well 2v2 slayer and flag.
I loved the v1, and now with the budget glitch done and spawns reworked, this must be a gem. I'm DLing and playing.
Yeah, Framework. Well I got to say this is definitely going to be kept for quite a while. The game play was fun, energetic, different from time to time, and overall is one great 2v2 asymetrical map.
I played this with Dimmest and I agree with what he said. A great, clean, well-made map that was only marred by its somewhat predictable spawns, as well as a lack of ramps. I don't know if the spawns were fixed since I played, but I can see that the geometry is still the same. Overall though, this is a great map that is a lot of fun. Recommendation: Download.
This map plays amazing. Sorry my mic was messed up when you invited me. Although I really only got to play half of a game on v2 I played v1 several times and its gameplay was amazing some of the best I have experienced on a forged map on foundry. It all just flows so perfectly together. The layout is amazing and unique, perfect balance and weapons. This is one of my favorite maps to play 2v2 and 3v3 on and is going to have a long stay on my hard drive. 5/5
Seems like a very sexy map you've got here. I definitely like the look of the fence walls/boxes lining the uppermost parts of the structure. Would that happen to be why it is called Framework? From the pictures I can tell that the merging and overall construction is very clean. The flow doesn't seem bad either. You've got several paths leading to most areas of the map. One concern I have, however, is the amount of available cover there seems to be towards the centers of some rooms. You've got plenty of it around the map's borders, but the middles seem a wee bit deathtrapish. This is never a ruiner of gameplay, but something to watch out for. It reduces the use of any weapon or equipment placed there. EDIT: Well, I managed to get a forge-through and a small game of slayer in on it, and I must say that I am quite impressed. The flow was good, as I had hoped, and it turns out that I was wrong about the middle-room deathtraps. There is plenty of cover throughout the entire work. All in all, I'd say this is a very high-quality map. A 5/5 from me. It's DL'd, and if I can manage to get a game on it I'll surely get back with information on gameplay though. I definitely like it upon first impression.
OMG this map is awesome, that is some really sexy alleyway merging as someone has said, and Framework really suits the setting of the map, which i am sure was what you were going for. In the wise words of some random elite i saw somewhere on this site: FEATURE NAO!
I know I havent been on halo for a while but testing this was alot of fun. I love the weapon placement and the spawns were improved since the 1st one. The things you added to this map made it even more magnificent than the 1st one and the multi-leveled gameplay of this map focused the gameplay throughout the entire map.Im hoping to see this featured by next week.Great job and a 5/5
Version one impressed me, but this version amazed me! The new feature to the map look phenomenal! It's really good to hear (actually see) that you included the hallway part of Foundry to give more interesting game play. I really admire some, if not all, the structures of the map. They are just so well made. Great job.
Oh well, I still had fun on it. It wasn't actually swat though, a custom variant halfway between swat and team slayer in which people could still pick up weapons but were much easier to kill.
This map has got to be one of the best maps out there. The gameplay is radical and the interlocking and geo-merging is perfect! If this dosen't get a feature, then that will be a huge suprise to me! 5/5 for this map including its great aesthetics good job camoflaug cant wait for your next map if you do happen to make another one
I loved v1 of this map. And when I got an invite from Camoflaug to come test, I was quite happy about it. I played a few rounds of One Flag, and despite me and my partner getting whomped by Camoflaug and his, I still had a great time playing it. Every problem that I had with the first version was changed when I got in there. (Well except one, but I'll download and see if Camo fixed that one. Camo, you know what I am talking about ) Other than that, everything is great. I recommend everyone download this one, cause you'll feel real cool that you've had it on your hard drive before it got featured.
Great looking map. I enjoy maps that involve teamwork instead of a map where all of your team is spread out. GM and Interlocking look smooth. great map.