Map: Blackout Game Variants: all (I recommend slayer/team slayer). Players: 6-16 (so far the most I've played is 8, but it was really fun). Weapons on Map: Assault Rifle: 6 Battle Rifle: 16 Shotgun: 2 Sniper: 2 SMG: 12 Magnum: 6 Plasma Rifle: 8 Needler: 6 Brute Shot: 2 Rocket Launcher: 1 Sword: 1 Beam Rifle: 1 Sentinel Beam: 1 Machine Gun Turret: 1 Equipment: Frag Grenades: 14 Plasma Grenades:16 Bubble Shields: 2 Portable Grav Lifts: 2 Radar Jammer: 1 Flare: 2 Active Camo: 2 Custom Powerup: 1 First off this is a symmetrical map. Second, I know this makes it sound like there is too much on the map and it's overpowered, but it's actually really balanced because the respawn times on the weapons are long, the rocket launcher only has 2 rockets, and some of the other weapons like the shotgun come with less amo as well. And now for some screenshots. Map Overview Sword Room Rocket Launcher Room Base 1 (There is another base identical too this one. PLEASE RATE AND COMMENT. Thanks.
it looks realy open by the picture an by your escription there are alot of unneeded weaponns in my opioion if u get the beam rifle an get to some high groun over looking the map u would own. but thats just by looking at the pic im probly not gonna downloae. i think that you should watch the forgeing 101 videos to make your maps better 1/5.
looks intriguing... however i do notice a few changes you might want to add first off, 16 battle rifles!?!?!?!? thats kind of ridiculous... it'll make your map more streamlined and accessible if you make the BRs less plentiful. If your response is that they all have 0 spare clips, well that is no good either. Battle rifles more or less should always have 2 spares. So, many of these BRs will go unused. Construct has what...6 or 8 I believe. And that map feels like it is the BR map. 16 is totally unnecessary. Let's see, two snipers AND a beam rifle? Again, overloading your map. Snipers should be a contested weapon. Meaning, only one snipe, unless its a very large level (impossible due to foundry's size). With three snipes, this will turn into a sniper duel. And if one team gets all the snipes, its game over IMMEDIATELY. 2 shotties - again, a bit much...should be a contested weap. 6 Assault Rifles - If you really want ARs, then thats your choice. However, very few maps have AR spawns, simply because its a lot easier to just walk over a dead enemy. SMG: 12 Magnum: 6 Plasma Rifle: 8 Needler: 6 Ok, dual-wielding in H3 is not that common. Unless there are maulers on the map (which you dont have), you will only find one, maybe two players dual-wielding. So 26 dual weapons is kind of over-doing it. Think of the Pit. Its full of duals; its got 2 maulers, 4 PRs, 4 SMGs, and 4 Spikers. However often are they used? Not very much. Also, 6 needlers? in H2 this might've been necessary. However, since needlers are single-wield, this is hardly necessary. Again, it clutters your map with too many power weaps. 2 Brute shots and a rocket....well, especially considering how many other power weapons...this just adds fuel to the fire. Frags and plasmas - this high number potentially will turn map into a grenade fest. Might want to lower it just a tad. Esp frags, since everyone spawns (same reason as AR) Bubble Shields: 2 Portable Grav Lifts: 2 Radar Jammer: 1 Flare: 2 Active Camo: 2 Custom Powerup: 1 many equipment. Nice to see you like equipment, but like the other problems i have, its just a bit too much. 2 gravlifts, 2 flares, 2 camos, 2 bubble shields... just way too much. Also, you have a custom powerup, but no gametype or settings for it. Overall for weapons - just way too many. Sniper should definitely be 1 or 2 max. Way too many BRs, ARs, and duals that will just go unused and clutter your map - Yes, map clutter is a problem. Have you ever been killled because you spent too much time trying to pick up the weapon you want, only to continuously get the wrong one? exactly. MAP - Looks interesting, but is way too open. Looking at the pics Rocket Launcher room and Base 1...the snipers, rockets, brute shots...the map will become un-fun, because the players who control the power weaps will continue to spawn-kill everyone else, simply because there isnt enough cover to defend against all of the weapons on this map (although, I seriously doubt any amount of cover will help against an armament of that magnitude) So, overall - looks like a cool map idea, but it just needs a little more cover, especially in the rocket room, and you need to drastically remove the amount of weaps. This long post is just my opinion, and it is merely my attempt to help make your map more playable. I look forward to seeing you make tweaks on this map. I am not saying this map "sucks," I am saying it is okay, and could be great with some needed tweaks.
Your post mentioned that your map does have a lot of weapons, yet it is still balanced. I havnt played the map, but I find that hard to believe. The map layout itself looks like a 3/5. I like how you use all the space and stuff, but I do not think that you utilize the height very well. Most of your map looks like it takes place on the bottom floor. However, the setup looks fun if you were to take out some of the weapons.
I think I have to agree with everything El Capitaine said. Way too many weapons.. 16 BRs? thaz nuts. Also the map looks to have only a few places of decent cover. A few things I do like tho are aesthetics. You used the interlocking very well from what I can make of it. I believe you need to consider exactly what type of map this is and reconfigure your weapon selection to make the game more exciting. If there is a power-weapon for everyone it takes away from the rush to each weapon, which is a mainstay of Halo gameplay. Not a bad post tho.
I too concur with Capitaine. But the real thing I am wondering about is your reasoning behind the name. When I see "Blackout" I typically think of small areas, tunnels, fumbling around, or perhaps a map with lots of fusion coils that explode in your face...
I only named it "blackout" because it's the name of the clan i'm in and they asked me to name it that for some reason. Capatine is probably right on just about everything he said so i might as well try. Later today I'll go take out some of the weapons/equipment. Also I kind of waunted it to be somewhat open so the BRs and Snipers would be more useful than the sword/shotguns. But I'll try to fix and then edit my first post.
This map should be more enclosed. I like the bridge. You should make that the center of the map with less open space. And interlocking the double boxes that make up the bridge would be good too.