Infestaion 2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by CheeseDip123, Jan 2, 2009.

  1. CheeseDip123

    CheeseDip123 Ancient
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    Infestaion 2 is a map that brings a new meaning to infection. With random respawns you never know if you'll end up next to a zombie or a teammate.
    The map consists of 5 different pathways, each leading you to a different place. Some lead to a fort others lead to a weapons cache, but you'll have to chose. There are 2 weapons caches, and 2 traps just waiting to get you.

    The main pathway is accessible by a series of bridges or a man-cannon, from here you chose your path.

    Overview 1:


    Overview 2:


    Weapon Cache 1:


    Weapon Cache 2:


    Download map here:
    Download Map

    #1 CheeseDip123, Jan 2, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2009
  2. X5

    X5 Ancient
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  3. Trifslap

    Trifslap Ancient
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    I see you tried to embed your pictures but bungie support that for some reason, you need to upload them to photobucket/imageshack and copy the image code into your post.

    Here are your pictures (Just copy and paste them into the original post)
  4. megathumbs

    megathumbs Ancient
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    one thing i have to say. never make a weapon cache like that and put it in a map on forge hub. Unless the zombies are super damage resistant. Also the concept is there it just needs to be executed a bit. better. I don't want to say this but sometimes a map doesn't need interlocking. but in this case i would learn how to and make a V2. keep forging.
  5. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
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    Armories=BAD GAMEPLAY. Especially with all of those power weapons in their. Never have armories. And IMO i think spawning right next to a zombie if your a human would not be very fun seeing as you would almost instantly unless you have stronger shields. But that's just my opinion.

    You should also make the walls higher, because you could easily grenade jump over them. I would greatly advise you to make a v2 and use some interlocking and/or geomerging, even I agree it isn't always necessary, but in this situation it is. If you don't know how look it up in the forging 101 section. I rate it 1/5 sorry. keep forging
  6. halodudeguyman

    halodudeguyman Ancient
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    the map looks pretty empty, i didnt see the fort, i didnt see the traps, and is very messy. sorry about the criticism but you need to make a ver. 2 with interlocking and geomerging like the others say. i think the idea of choosing where to go is very bad with the random respawn. look at some other good infection maps for reference and ask there creators for ideas for a ver. 2 or a completely new map. to me it gets 3/5. sorry. oh and... NO ARMORIES!!!! if you have been here long enough, you should known that we hate armories.
  7. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    The first picture kinda threw me off, then the picture of the cache of powerful weapons just finished it... Plus the object placing is kinda, well, not neat, or interlocked and that can really hurt gameplay as well as aesthetics. I can just throw a frag clear into those cracks and kill somebody. Oh! and the weapon placement, don't even get me started! I had to learn weapon placement the hard way, if your weapon placement isn't balanced that definetly hurts gsmeplay as well...
  8. Tydo

    Tydo Ancient
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    This looks very messy and uncontrolled, no one like spawning and getting owned right when you spawn. Or people grenade jumping over walls and crawling through holes. Try some interlocking and geomerging next time. I don't know if this was intentional but you spelled infestation wrong. 1/5
  9. zConviction

    zConviction Ancient
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    This map is very very sloppy, and it haz ARMORRY?!?!?! Anyway, yeah, thats a bad thing. But I do like the idea of different passages, and spawn thing. Though it sucks to get spawn killed. This is okay I guess, 2/5.

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