Debate Do Video Games Cause People To Act Hostile?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DeathToll77, Dec 17, 2008.

  1. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    I am bringing this up because one it is highly debatable among parents and two, our best friend Jack Thompson (long time anti violent in video game dude) has been disbanded in the state of Florida due to his shenanigans against Rockstar Games
  2. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    He's just looking for a scapegoat. The real issue at hand is parental control, and their decisions on whether their child is mature enough for certain material. Also, they need to be knowledgeable about what they are handing out to their kids. The opposite of this (which is also wrong) is restricting a child from any of that material their whole lives.
  3. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Video games don't cause violence. You have temporary suspension of disbelief. This occurs when watching movies or playing video games, as stated. Religion, however, is believed to be absolute truth, so there is no temporary suspension of disbelief, which is why we see Christians bombing each other in Ireland and Muslims killing as many people as possible.

    There have been deranged people who have killed in the name of video games, movies, and/or Jodi Foster but there have been an exponential amount more who have killed in the name of religion because it parades itself as how reality is actually constructed and not something that is only accessible with that particular world, such as grand theft auto.

    Sorry to bring religion into this but it needs to be said if only as an analogy.
  4. TKOwnedU5

    TKOwnedU5 Ancient
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    form what i heard to much Violent video games make you more likely to become violent they don't make violent just more likely to turn violent or do hostile things! but regular video games dont cause this!
  5. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    This is only true if the child in question is very young or immature.
    I think that is what you were getting at, but I just wanted to make that point.
  6. smitty0018

    smitty0018 Ancient
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    I personally do not believe video games cause violence in people. There has to be something mentally wrong with a person for them to kill someone, especially over a video game. I do agree that these games may entice them to do so, but they do have to be mentally sick first.

    Jodie Foster, heh.
  7. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    I was hoping somebody would say this. I think that this whole thing is just to target boys.(although beside the point) I could say that I made a study that a certain amount of female women that have an illegitimate baby played with dolls when they were little. It is a common thing, and it it just a scapegoat.
  8. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    Video games do not create violence, parents do. Genes that are passed down as well as child abuse or any other abuse are what cause kids (and adults) to have both short term and long term violence.
  9. fabioisonfire

    fabioisonfire Ancient
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    I could just go off on this, but I'll give a simple answer.

    Yeah, there's violence and sex in video games- just like in movies, television, books, and magazines that adolescents have had access to for much longer. Video games (or any other form of media, for that matter) don't cause violence; people do.
  10. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    All research conducted to find a trend between violence and video games has been concluded as inconclusive. They've done this research three or four times, too, so I'd say it's anyone's guess. I think no. Unless there is something wrong with you, video games shouldn't cause people to be violent. We are a violent race, hence most games out now are about killing things, but it won't mean we'll go out with a gun and kill someone. However, it's worth pointing out: Games consoles are banned in China since the year 2000. Maybe they think they do cause violence?

    FR0ZEN FEARS Ancient
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    Unless you have phycological problems, I highly doubt that videogames will cause children to become agressive people. Even so, I wouldn't let someone under the age of 13 play something like Gears of War 2.

    To be honst, violence might even help us. The nulling effect it has on disgusting images allows more people to follow after promising careers like becoming a doctor.
  12. cras777

    cras777 Ancient
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    Only the people who take the game WAY too far
  13. Catmon

    Catmon Ancient
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    This question has been asked to death. Basically, it's not the games alone that cause the hostility, there has to be some sort of catalyst.
    I play a lot of games and know a lot about the art of war, I could probably load and fire a good selection of weapons.

    But I've never touched a gun in my life and I'm very non violent, if you pardon my swearing.
  14. thelastsparten

    thelastsparten Ancient
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    I don't think so i mean honestly I've played violent games my whole life and I'm not violent in real life i mean i can only really use a bow with any accuracy and wouldn't think of shooting someone with it.
    also in my it seems to me that violent games actually reduce violence in real life because people can take their anger out in video games rather then on people.
  15. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    whenever new things appeared on the market throughout the years people siad that they were causing violence eg. movies in the 20's, and then TV and now it's console's. Although i have noticed that when i play a day straight i get really antisocial, although that might just be through tiredness.
  16. tron1o7

    tron1o7 Ancient
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    Video games can't make somebody violent. You have to have a pyscological problem. When a normal person is about to kill another human they usually have a few second thoughts and it is harder for them to kill than a person who has a problem. Soldiers though, they have been trained to kill and they might not have trouble to kill an enemy at the time, but that is because they have been trained to not think of enemies as actual humans and they probably have are having an adrenial rush. after the battle you hear about sickness (im not sure what to call it) about them having nightmares from killing. Video games can encourage a screwed up person to kill though
  17. Mandarotica

    Mandarotica Ancient
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    Violence in video games doesn't cause mentally balanced people to become violent. Really it comes down to kids- if people let their children watch violent movies and play violent video games at a young age they may do what they see because they haven't learned consequence or impacts of their actions. If older teens do something violent that they see in games it is because they are imbalanced or they would've made violent decisions anyway.
  18. chromebandit

    chromebandit Ancient
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    Not anybody that I know. I think that violence isn't something we learn, it's something we are born with.
  19. MousseMooseROCKS

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    Video games don't cause violence. I play Halo 3 GOW2 and I'm pretty nice. I don't even prank phone call or do any of that stuff. Now I do admit that I get raged at video games from time to time, but I've gotten more aggravated by stupider things like tangled objects.
  20. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    videogames don't lead to violence or hostility, bad parenting does.

    if you were to say videogames caused violence it's like saying mcdonalds is the reason your fat, or that guns kill people. both are wrong, your choices are the reason your fat and people kill people. it's a logical fallacy.


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