And, after you've done that..... Nice tut, should be added to the Forging 101 Movable object geomerging section.
well dude i wrote a script this time and the way the language i type in is totally different from the one i speak
I didn't really watch it, the lack of production value kinda led to me just skipping through it. However, besides being emotionless (no offense intended) with the editing and stuff, the music was far to loud, it was tough hearing you speak. Bl00D kinda already has his own Forge Schools anyway, just PM him requesting an episode dealing with this being made, I'm sure he'd be more than happy to do it.
Haha I think we were just bored and we were like ya lets just make a video. Ya it turned out way better than i thought though lol
Good tut, good song, too. Was that you navigating the menus? It seemed like you didn't know where anything was. Anyway, I dunno when I'll use this, I might merge a wire spool sideways to make speed bumps for a race track. Actually, that's a good idea. Nice one, Sharp!
glad i could help and that is a really good idea to use this for speed bumps. damn. now i might use that
I couldn't hear you. You made a HUGE mistake with the music. You chose a vocally dominant song and put it pretty much at the same volume as your voice. Bad move, the song just overpowers your voice so much which, same as 5w33ny was a bit emotioless, no offense. It's a nice video, and probably helpful tut(I say probably because I've already seen a tut on it, thus none of what you've presented is new to me) but there are some key aspects that need working on.
Nice video, I never truely understood the guide but this cleared it up a bit. Also, the site name is - Lolz, thanks for making it guys.
lol I thought the video was good, I didnt even have the volume turned up (I didnt want to wake my parents) And I got the video, thanks dude.
That song has been stuck in my head for the past couple days and I can't, for the life of me, remember what it's called.