Ramp V2 Created by A Dark Mountain A map that I made awhile ago and am just now putting it on Forge Hub. It also has a neat little pallet bridge that I added as an extra. It took me about 3 ½ hours to make. Supported Gametypes: Slayer Description: A map that I made awhile ago and am just now putting it on Forge Hub. It also has a neat little pallet bridge that I added as an extra. It took me about 3 ½ hours to make. Forging 101: [ YES ] __Floating Objects [ ___ ] __Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ YES ] __Timed Map Events [ ___ ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ ___ ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water [ ___ ] __Used Symmetry Option [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects [ ___ ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ ___ ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch Overview Tunnel Up The Turn Around Pallet Bridge Vehicle Spawn Download Ramp V2
Hmm, wierd, its a giant ramp right, not a racemap, AAargh you dissapointed me. It looks alright, I don't know how much more excitement I can get from first saying, Oh look, a giant ramp!!!. Looks like a good time waster, and umm, nice pallet bridge. Oh, and stop monitoring your thread, I see you trying to see who posts next!!!! lol
Kudos for not using Foundry, as well as your pallet bridge. I did find one problem, though: at the end of the ramp, 3 of the 4 man cannons placed there didn't spawn when I restarted the round until 45 seconds later. Was that intentional? Other than that, launching myself off the ramp while in the Warthog was jolly good fun. 4/5.
I did plan to make the man cannons spawn later into the map. and it is coming to me now and yeah it should go into asthetic so could a mod move it.
The map is OK I've see better and a lot more of these types of map.....sure there fun for about 10 min. then you get bored.....and you realize there is no point to the map. I'll give you credit for making a non foundry map!
I guess its ok but I definitely have o give you props for the pallet bridge.But 1 thing confused me what is this made for aesthetics, or race map?If you ever redo this please add more stuff and everything seems so spaced out from each other.
Looks like you put some time into it. Not much, but a good amount. I cant wait to try out the pallet bridge, and if it is all right with you, i might put it into a new race map of mine on standoff. (with recognition, of course) 4.5/5 for the effort and effectiviness and overall fun. keep up the good work.
Maybe I should of been a little more critical about tearing apart and diagnosing this ramp map instead of simply stating it looks cool enough to give a try and download. Apparently some sand filled ****** senior member had an issue with it. ON TOPIC: It would of been nicer if the vehicles were closer. This is definitely fun to mess around on. Good job. I could see you making some stunt maps.
Don't know if bumping this is bad or not, but................. I had some friends with me last night after checking out some other maps. They wanted to know what else I had. So this one came up. It eventually turned into a strange version of KotH. We moved some vehicles, added some fun stuff like trip mines, bubbles, flairs, etc. We never added the hill to the top of the ramp, but needless to say, it became hilarious. Just some extra for your thought process and evolution of this. This could go pretty far.