If you were to submit a map to be in a hopper in matchmaking, what forge glitches will they allow you to use? I think they let you use interlocking, because technically it's not a glitch and it's included in the map Haunted Manor, but I know they don't let you use the infinite budget glitch (and for good reason). Are there any other glitches Bungie allows you to use?
No infinite budget, and don't put in any of the banned items in, other than that go ahead and float, geomerge, and interlock to your heart's content.
No Sentinel Beams and Fuel Rods(I believe), I think they cause too much lagg over LIVE. Either that or they haz no weakness.
Also, forged maps must be within the playable area of the map. For example, you cannot build a map on the surrounding wall of Sandtrap, or in the corridor outside of Foundry. The map isn't allowed to give the players anyway of getting to these parts.
ya wat about blackout are you guys saying that were not supposed to use infinite budget glitched maps??? will we get banned
You won't get banned, it is a glitch not a mod, but your map will be disqualified from Atlas if it is BG'd. It might not seem like enough items, but it is. Lay out your weapons before you build your map, and then only us immovable objects. Don't worry about aesthetics like Tele-stars, or use crates/dumpsters/barrels/etc. You can spawn every immovable item such as boxes and walls, and still have about $20 left.
can someone supply a link to where all the rules for ATLAS are. Like is there a group over at bungie for it. And where do you submit the maps.
Bungie.net : Atlas : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing you must be a bnet member, and join the Atlas group as well to be able to view.