map gore factory #2 game type G M 244 gore factory #2 is truely the ultimate no scope challenge even if your not good at no scoping this will be fun its perfect for big games its all out madness as you and your friends wizz by each other and you notice you got a tripple kill with one shot about gore factory #2: slayer starting weapon sniper 300% player speed 200% gravity beat down -1 point head shot +2 points kill +1point 0 respawn time pics respawn area madness to show you the instant respawn heres a pic after i killed him he allready respawned i shot the tip of the sniper gore factory #2 goes with G M 244 and im sorry about not seting the post up right before
Re: the ultimate no scope test fun for the whole family ages 18+ This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the guidelines so we can find out too!
Re: the ultimate no scope test fun for the whole family ages 18+ :squirrel_jaffa: dude where r da screenshots
Re: the ultimate no scope test fun for the whole family ages 18+ For the whole family! ... 18+ ... lol?
Re: the ultimate no scope test fun for the whole family ages 18+ Okay couple clearances. 1; title is too long/advertising. Make it the name of the map 2; pictures. Honestly. 3; be more descriptive. All I can tell is it has something to do with noscope shooting.
Re: the ultimate no scope test fun for the whole family ages 18+ What they said. I like it, although its very simple and more of a gametype then a map.
Re: the ultimate no scope test fun for the whole family ages 18+ What map? It looks like canvas with a gametype.
Re: the ultimate no scope test fun for the whole family ages 18+ it almost is except for the wall bocking you from going the bases and the in air respawn points witch make sure that there is no chance for spawn killing
When I saw the map title I thought that this map would be made of God and Win. Unfortunately your pictures leave a whole lot to wish for. How come you haven't placed any cover? Made the map more confined? Peace // gorebound
Why make this. The Forge Hub is looking for original ideas although you made this. Really should just make it into a multi-leveled arena with cover and interesting aesthitcs. This looks like it was made in two seconds. Although I have played a map like this before. It is fun but here we want maps, not gametypes.
i have taken note of all of you guys comments and i will make sure the next map i post will be more fitting
I know you've gotten a lot of comments like this already, but come on, there's nothing on the map. It's just too simple. At least put down some boxes or something. The gametype looks alright at least.
um you did not follow the guuidlines but i'd love to try this map it sotta looks like my thing,,/.';[p][];'./0-=-;;
i have been geting comments about this map that tell me to put down some cover and i want every one to know if i put down cover it will ruin the experience the way the game type is set changes what you expect i say just try it once with at least 5 people and you will change you mind