I know... ugh! Another semi-long wall of text (long for the graphics forum, at least). Just read it! It's good for you. Yes, I know what you are thinking... What the crap is this for? Well, I have a school project, and we and a partner are supposed to create a CD that would be in a movie. The "movie" is really just the exact book we finished reading, Night. It is about Elie Wiesel, a young boy who is in many concentration camps during the Holocaust. It is non-fiction. An auto-biography, actually. Anyway, I was put in charge of creating the cover for the CD. I was wondering how you guys liked it and if you had any feed-back. I worked hard on this, but I'm not done. I haven't resized it yet, so it's quite big (the embedded one is resized by imageshck): I still have to make the back cover, which will have the song names on it. I think it will be the exact image of the front-cover, flipped horizontally. On the back of the moon, it will have 3 nooses and a gold tooth (parts of the story.) Also, It is a very good book. Really short, too. only 108 pages. Our class finished it in like 3 days... But I recommend it... EDIT: I took your advie into consideration, and I like the way this turned out... I blanked out my name, too. We don't have the songs yet, but they will be on the left side... Here:
Re: Night Soundtrack (School Project) I'm studying for the test right now... any more feedback? Please?
Re: Holocaust Moon You should put a bullet hole in Hitler's head or put horns on him. He looks to be a sadistic leader like he really was in real life.
Re: Holocaust Moon ^ That really doesn't go with the ideas that were expressed in the novel, which yes, I did read.
Re: Holocaust Moon Yeah I know... but that has nothing to do with the novel... it is about a Jew in multiple concentration camps, so Hitler is just there as a symbol, and I want to keep it simple...
Re: Holocaust Moon ive read it myself (being jewish, it makes sense to...), and yea thats a nice cover. its simple and elegant, and it definately does the job its supposed to do well
Re: Holocaust Moon Cool! Thanks... I'm sure this will pwn everyones... I am the only person who uses photoshop in my class.... but I am an over-acheiver. Lol...
Re: Holocaust Moon its not that tough, and the background is kinda bland without it...unless its like due really soon or something its pretty much painless
Re: Holocaust Moon Stars of David, right? Make lots of Stars of David, but make them to look like actual stars in a night sky because the book is called Night!
Re: Holocaust Moon I was already going to do that for the back... thanks for the idea... Wow, I realized how much a name changes the topic. It used to be "Suondtrack Cover (School Project)"= 1 reply. "Holocaust Moon"= a ton...
Re: Holocaust Moon i just finished Night for school friday night, and for me, this doesn't really capture what the book was trying to portray. There was no concentration on Hitler. he was stated maybe 3 times
Re: Holocaust Moon I know that it is not about Hitler, but he is a symbol of the Holocaust... Do you have any ideas on what would "capture what the book was trying to portray"? I know that it had to do with Father/ Son relationships, oppression, and Faith, but I think Hitler is good to use as a symbol of the oppression and Nazis... that's just my opinion, so do you have any suggestions?
Re: Holocaust Moon yea i think hilter is actually a good usage there, its an obvious symbol... small stars of david might be a good idea, but i would just make a few, it makes the background seem more bleak, with small dots of hope (i learned this from a friend whos into art, so i know all of this random artistic stuff)
Re: Holocaust Moon Lol... yeah. I'm making the back and updating the front as we speak (or type... lol)
I was think about that... "arbiet macht frie" I don't really have too much room. But I have the nooses because that is a symbol in NIGHT... the picture is actually on the real book cover... If you have an idea of where to put "arbiet macht frie", please tell me...
No nooses, that just takes away from your specific goal. In fact the nooses remind more of the KKK era than anything esle. Maybe some pictures of the actual Jews themselves in the moon. That would make more sense to me. Also I think it would go great with the songs instead of nooses.