Just for reference, I've already read Devinish's spawn guide. Problem 1: On my map, people sometimes spawn out of the maps boundaries, where there are no spawn points. Problem 2: While testing the spawns (With 2 players), I had one player stand still, and the other kill him. The stationary player died and spawned in the same place. I repeated this about 10 times, and he kept spawning there, even though there were many other spawn points placed around the map. Please Help
theres emergency respawns that you can't delete. If all else fails, you will spawn there. Try adding spawn points everywhere or figuring out where the emergency spawns are and place double boxes on them.
Alright, I've fixed both of the original problems, but I've got one more. Players still spawn in only one area (The base) and never somewhere else, even when there are enemies in the base
If you put double boxes on top of the spawn points they will just spawn inside the boxes and not be able to move, or kill themselves.
I'm not sure if anyone's suggested this yet, but the problem with not spawning on spawn points happens a lot in Forge, especially if you only have a few spawns down. Once you get around 10 this should stop. If you try this out in a Custom the spawning outside the map should be fixed, unless all the spawns are blocked by either enemies or grenades.