So I got the book, The Zombie Survival Guide, for Christmas (I'd been asking for it forever) and I'm just about 40 pages from the end. Now that I'm almost done, I wanted know... Has anyone else read the Zombie Survival Guide? What did you think of it? Personally I loved it. Very informative for a fiction survival manual. Half way through I was almost convinced Solanum was real, and that zombies could rise up at any time. I'm especially looking forward to the comic they're making. It's based off the Recorded Attack section, and I' eager to see what they do with it. Once I finish it, there's another book I want to try and track down... How to Survive a Robot Uprising
I've never read it, but I'm also too ***** when it comes to Zombiez. I think they are awesome but if it ever came down to action I'll probably die trying 'cause I'll think there's Respawn, lol. But seriously, if zombiez attacked I would give myself up to them and then go and eat everyone else, especially those i don't like. That, or I'll just keep playin' Halo. As a zombie.
I've never read it, but I've been wanting to for quite a while. The concept of zombies has always intrigued me, especially how well people are able to explain the virus and such. I've tried borrowing it from a friend but he's too stingy to give it up for a few days.
I read this about 2 years ago. It's a great, great read. The book really goes into details that you'd never even think about. I could certainly survive a zombie attack...only if I could make it past the first 24 hour period. That is the most chaotic time.
I got it for Christmas too and I'm about 100 pages from the end, anyways I loved it because of how realistic and sensible it is. For the longest time I thought "Zombie Apocalypse, I can take it" but now I realize I'd be dead in a week.
I'm a little over halfway through the book and I'm enjoying it. Max brooks is a good writer. I would also check out "World War Z" . Same author. I also got mine off of amazon.
old old book my brother got it like 4 or 5 years ago when shaun of the dead came out good book anywho
I wanna get this book. You can get it from, too. What kind of zombies are in the book. Fast zombies? Slow zombies? Night-time zombies? Retard zombies?
They're slow, can't jump, and can't really climb that well. They're pretty much just fat white person. They can only be killed by headshot, because the brain controls the body. The rest of the body is pretty much dead.
Oooh, I want to read that book so badly. Same with World War Z. They look amazingly good from all the descriptions, summaries and online extras. They're even making a WWZ movie! M1 Carbine and Machete FTW against zombies (Apparently). ^ This won an art contest for World War Z
Best movie ever made lol. Anyway yeah I read this, but I didn't really like it that much. It was kinda taking itself to seriously, and some of the information in it didn't make much sense.
i knew a kid in high school who brought that book every day and read it in class. i looked at it pretty woot if u ask me. this topic just reminded me off it. going to store tomorow to go get it =]
The three main things I learnt from reading this book 1. Aim for the Head 2. Shaolin Spade=Win 3. No Stairs=Win
4. Fire is deadly to everyone 5. Hospitals suck 6. Apartments = Win 7. Swamps, don't even think about swamps... 8. Earplugs FTW 9. Semi-Automatic Rifles are always good 10. Crowbars can be a tool, and a weapon