Manhunt Recently I've played several different games, in several different environments. I've played in different neighborhoods, in the middle of the woods, different parts of town. I've even played it in large buildings such as public schools, churches, abandoned office buildings. I went to Wikipedia to see if there were any variations, if so which one I had been playing. To my surprise, I found that on the article Manhunt on Wikipedia offered several different variations to the game. So I wanted to know, which ones do you play? Where do you play them? Do you play it a completely different way? In case you missed the link, here it is again. Manhunt - Wikipedia I personally play the "Central-Florida" version of Manhunt. Mainly because it's where I live, and I've never heard of any other type. More info in my blog.
I play in the woods. Its a bestly game. We have nowhere alse to play. We live in the peaceful, non-busy part of NY (sub-urbs). IDK what you call it but we roam around and one team hides from the other. If the searching team spotted the opposing team they chase till' they tag them. But damn i'd like to play manhunt in a school. It seems like so much fun running around in a giant, empty school.
It's tons of fun to play Manhunt in big buildings. Sounds like you play the same way I do, but I play with a "base" the hiding team has to get back to. BTW, playing in the woods is really fun as well. Sometimes it feels like your hunting the hunters. Especially when your hiding, hunkered to the ground, watching and waiting as the hunters pass, getting ready to make a break for it.
I've actually never heard of Manhunt. Around the neighborhood we play Kick the Can, where someone guards a can and people have to try and kick it without being called out. They get called out by the guarder calling the person's name and then he/she has to touch the can. If they get everyone out you choose a new guarder or the first one out. If someone kicks the can, everyone runs and hides and the game continues, and everyone in jail is back in.
I play the regressive version. The place I play is at one of my friends houses which has a huge field nearby with grass in which you can crouch in to hide. The whole place is surrounded by trees and bushes. I've also played it in a house where we leave the TV and radio on pretty high. You can never hear the people hiding.
Sounds pretty fun. I've never played where you drown out any noise with a TV or radio, I might have to try that some time.