The Tectonic Remake is Finally Here! Remade by Cydronix Original Map Forged by Cydronix Map Idea and Layout by Blakbastud9 I finally finished my remake of my original map, Tectonic. It was loved by many and this is the final piece until Sandbox comes in, then Tectonic v3 will come out. Tectonic v1 Forgehub Post! This map is not a full geo-metric remake, but mainly a gameplay remake, closing the gaps between map exits. WEAPONS Battle Rifle x3 Mauler x3 Shotgun x1 (Respawns 30 sec. No extra rounds) Carbine x2 Sniper x1 (150 sec. Respawn. 1 extra clip) Regenerator x2 Plasma Grenades x5 Frag Grenades x4 Active Camo x1 (No Respawn) Improved Wall Sheild Doors around Geo-Grav lift deleted 3 Floor, Sniper Spawn Lobby View of Third floor and 2 more exits added Map Overview View of Secondary Exit View of New floor, Basement 2nd Map Overview Sadly this will be my last forge for a while, I will help Blak, and Master Debayter with some maps, if needed, More maps in Febuary! DOWNLOAD TECTONIC v2
great job i didint see v1 but this look flawless cannot wait for you to post new maps 4/5 just because im a pre dlc kinda guy
looks really good and alot of fun. nice geo-merging and great interlocking. I like the camo spawn and all the fence walkways 5/5 Edit: what gametypes work with the map, and how many people is the map made for (2v2, 3v3)
Wow, a great map. The gameplay feels natural and the sense to always get on top is definetly there. The only thing i noticed was the sloppy camo spot. But besides that great job 4/5
You gave him a 4 out of 5 for his map because you dont like DLC maps lol? But about the map, there are some spots that could use some work, but others look extremely clean and well forged. I really liked your use of all the fence walls. I'll be looking for your maps in February.
This map looks epic. nice geomerging, clean interlocking, an aesthetic as well as gampeplay masterpiece. You can really tell the difference between version one. 5/5 keep up the great work.
On Version two the spot I sighted that wasn't the neatest was the added walkway, The single box wasn't big enough. Hopfully when Sandbox comes out I can make a even better version.
Looks like it might play a bit like Unchained, just by looking at the layout. I'm downloading and come back with my review after I test it.
eww, not enough geomerging 2/5 it would be a 4/5 with more geomerging good job for a new member tho... -right back at ya cryo. expect to find these types of comments in your thread if youre gun leave them in other peoples threads
Lobby View of Third floor and 2 more exits added (the fence wall that ramps up is crooked.. jsyk.. good map tho really!)