Well, we're within the last 10 minutes of 2008 as I write this, and I thought it was appropriate to shed a little light on what I have been working on in the forge. As quite a few people may know, I am probably the only person on Forge Hub, who has Halo 3, but hasn't posted a map. Recently, however, I've been working on a little project I will be calling Hemispheres. Now, enough rambling on about this map, time for piccies! Tunnel, Courtyard in view. Better view of the Courtyard, Entrance to a small room is shown A possible Shotgun spawn. Small platform. Alternate entrance to the small room is shown. MAJOR EDIT: Map is now Content Complete, expect the release before 5:00PM EST 1/2/09. Completion Meter: ____ |---| - Content Complete |---| |---| |---| |---| |---| |---| |---| |---| |---| ----- ------ Currently Working on: Preparing To Launch...Stand by... Update: 1/2/09: Map Geometry has been completed. Weapons and spawns are done. Need to finish placing objectives and being testing.
wow it looks very impressive. It seems as you are doing very well, but also make sure that the gameplay is also fun
Well, can't say much, but I like the sort of enclosed look of the map, and it gives of an urban-like feel. But I'll see once you're done, hopefully it'll be good.
looks really good so far. all i recommend is geomerge that fence wall in the first pictue i think it would look better
I didn't geomerge that fence wall because I wanted it to be used as a "shield" from grenade from the lower level. I've left everything the way it is in these pictures for a reason ya know!
Its hard to say from the lack of images, but it looks great so far! The only thing i would change if i were you is that when you double stack walls, i would match up the tops and bottoms. Its not a big deal but it adds the the beauty.
Lol. Very cool completion meter aha. I will have to use that sometime The map looks very clean so far. I'd love to help test this sometime but so far so good. Keep working on it and your completion meter will look like this Completion Meter: ____ |---|-Done! |---| |---| |---| |---| |---| |---| |---| |---| |---|