For anybody who missed it: Part I So now I've packed and shipped, packed suitcases, taken the 17 hours in a plane, and unpacked. Sounds like fun, right? ... WRONG The 17 hours were the worst. Just sitting in between two strangers, watching 4 or 5 of the crappiest movies you'll ever see, and landing in a foreign place where everyone says chi chi chi chow, or whatever (they can listen to my conversations and I can't listen to theirs...) I'm tired, it's 8 in the morning, and I'm bored. Some cool things are that my home is larger than I thought it'd be, I at least have internet, and I live less than 1/2 a mile from a 7 story mall. i admit it could be worse, but it could be better also. We really haven't been out too much, because during the day it's 12:00 at night where I used to be at and it sucks cuz i'm dead tired all the time. I went to sleep at 7:30 and woke up at 6:00. So now it's 8:30 and I'm soon going shopping for things like CAFFEINE! I'm dringking Sprite Zero. Ya know what's funny? While I was walking in that huge 7 story mall I didn't see a SINGLE other race besides Chinese! In the US at least 10% of the population is something other than caucasians. k, well, now I'm gona watch Heroes on the mac. There will be a part 3 in a month or so.
Are you trying to learn Chinese? Do they have a McDonald's? Are you a communist now? Are Asian women your fetish?
Jet lag, eh? I thought it would be worse, but the way you described it sounds okay. But the mall probably has all Chinese Hello Kitty stuff and stores like that. Lulz.
no offense man, but this is sounding really racist, or maybe you're just stating the differences. (correct me if i'm wrong). My only suggestion if that you learn some basic Chinese. I live in China too, Shanghai to be specific, at least I have an advantage considering my parents are Chinese too. btw, where do you live in China?
Your location still says you're in Wisconson, just so you know. So would you say the difference in population density is immediately noticable? Do you plan on moving back to the U.S. once you're an adult? Are there many English-speaking people? Do they celebrate Christmas like the U.S. does? Did you celebrate Christmas even though you were in the process of moving? Have you gone to your school yet?
I don't see how it is racist. They are speaking a language that he doesn't understand and which sounds to him like gibberish, or as he put it 'chi chi chi chow'. And it is a statistical fact that China has one of the most homogeneous populations in the entire world.
lol dude, just asking, plus since i already said i lived in Shanghai, he could lie right now. And even if he did live in Shanghai, it'd be really hard to find a specific person out of a city with over 18million people. (thats why i said correct me if I'm wrong.) Then sorry if it was just me who thought of it that way.
(Since I see ER1CO offline...) the internet is slower. my best guess is because everything has to be processed by the Chinese government's firewall first before getting to you.
Wow, your questions are starting to pile up. Since I can't lighten your load, I'll just add one for conversation's sake. do you plan on taking up Ping-Pong?
How do you reach those conclusions? I'm online at the moment, does that mean my internet speed is blazingly fast?
Sorry, but what do you mean Nemihara? To your first question, well I live in China myself, and most of the people in my school say that the Internet is slower than most places.
Well, I hope things go for the better with you but I suggest you learn chinese,when do you start school there?
w0w, i'm gone for like 4 hrs and there are already tons of questions. k, i'll change that yes no, once i'm in college yes, but most people are bad at it yes yes no It probably depends on the type of internet service you get... right now I'm on wifi and it's fast yes they have mcDonalds, I had a meal in Japan on one of our stops and it was pretty good. They also have a lot in the mall located near us No, I'm in Hong Kong and it's not really exactly part of china, yet it is... so nothing gets "processed". I was just out getting stuff for our home It is communist, if you think that is evil, but really I can't tell the difference so far... I live in the hills, and we just go down and out of the hills for like 1/4 a mile and it gets really populated yes they are... I've played it before for fun, but i'm probly not going to play competitively. man, i can pick up any girl I want. But seriously, ummm idk i've only been in here for like 3 days in about 20 days I like small feet in girls, it's better than man/gorilla feet.