I'm making a map, and now that i have the base of the map done i wanted to add something that made it, you know, interesting. i have my idea and whatnot, but there are two things in it that i can't figure out how to do to make my idea a reality. any help would be appreciated 1.) The first problem is I'm trying to make a way to stop people from camping a teleporter.(they would have a shoty/sword to camp with). 2.) The second is probably more fun to think about: I'm trying to think of a way to make 4 custom power-ups in the same room have a random 25 or 50% chance of killing you.(obviously a switch) if anyone has any ideas i would love to here them. thanks
for the canping problem put a sideways grav-lift,or a mancannon at an angle behind it.as for the second question...I dont really know.
i don't see how that would help. yah, it would stop someone from standing behind the teleporter, but there are 270 other degrees where someone could stand with a shotgun and a twitchy triger finger
try putting fusion coils around it,as soon as you walk through look down and throw a grenade,that will take them with you.
Sorry, I guess I wasn't very clear. I'm not trying to stop someone once they start camping; I'm trying to stop camping all together. For instance, putting a second receiver node on the other side of the room (which unfortunately doesn’t work in this instance. = ( ) To use an overused analogy: I'm not trying to stop the symptoms, I want to stop the diseased. Actually, come to think of it, I don’t think that’s an overused analogy, I think I just watch too much house. Oh well.
there is no way you can make 1 custom pu different from the other. All the c.p.u's have to be the same
try my previosly stated idea with a fusion coil set to fall at a 10 or 20 second interval...just give a while and i'll think of somethin foolproof. oh... lol
that's why i ended that with(obviously a switch). I'm trying to make a switch that will do it for me. unfortionatlly i am going brain dead(figuratavlly) and can't think of anything. which is why I'm posting here.
or the no camping thing, I'm not sure there is much you can do about it. If people camp there is always going to be somewhere for them to do it. Doing the gravlift/mancannon thing is going to be your best bet though. It wont stop the camping but it will give the person coming through the teleporter a bit more speed to get away from the death zone. if the camping area is easily accessible from other areas though, like you could throw a grenade in to weaken them a bit then it shouldn't be a problem. Best way to fix camping is to make sure the area is vulnerable from multiple directions of attack. As for you're custom power ups, your best bet is going to be a min max switch so that when you pick it up it makes something fall on them. But how to make it work and work efficiently is another matter. You might talk to THIS GUY. Him and a few other members on here are part of H3Artificiers and are geniouses when it comes to switches.
got an idea for the random kill switch. interlock sender teleporters into the ground or place them above the ground if you don't mind them being seen. then have two other teleporters, one out of the map, and two others blocked. all on the same frequency. sometimes when crossing a teleporter it will be block and other times it will send you to the out of map one. I think that should work. try it and see.
sorry, that's again more of a symptom thing. though the man cannon thing game me an idea that i want to play with. of course, if you have a stroke of genius i would love to hear it. = ) Thanks for the advice. as for the switch, that's more or less what i had in ming, but the problem of making a random chance of it happening still arises. I'll defenetlly go talk to that guy though. again, thank you.
Now that is a clever idea. And if you hide the teleporters under the map you could place your custom power ups above them to mark the spot. Although, I think if they are all on the same frequency it will automatically send you to the one that isn't blocked.
i had a similar idea of having one sender and 2 recivers: one instkill and one with a power-up, but i ran into the same problem of running out of teleporters(my map has a ton of them) that's why i started looking for a switch idea. though I'm starting to think that I'll have to go with that. thanks for the input. i honastlly like your idea more then mine.
to avoid camping at teleporters, teleporters should be in dangerous, low to no cover areas. Take the teleporters in Iv0ry's Xyience. They work well in an MLG map solely because the top one is in a very precarious location. Another way you can make a teleporter uncampable is to give players enough options so that they don't need to use it very much, and have multiple ways/routes from which the camper can be attacked. You can also use multiple receiver nodes for the same sender node if its just a 1-way tele-system, but I wouldn't advise that as it leads to confusion for the player constantly entering the area facing a different direction
i don't know i have never tried it. could work though. there is another thing you could do with the min max switch. some guy on halo 3 artificers did this thing with a spinning grav lift. it would spin around on four weapon holders when it was save and quit to float in the middle of them. do the min max switch then have it so that a fusion coil falls, and one way the grav lift shoots it into a trap, the other way it shoots it somewhere harmless. try that if the teleporters don't work. here is the link to the spinning grav lift http://www.h3artificer.com/forum/showthread.php?t=178
Thanks. Anyway, you guys have given me enough to chew on for a while. I'm off to go forge, or do real life things. thanks everyone. ...it just occured to me that i have said thanks waaaaaaaay to manny times in this topic. meh, there are worse problems to have. = )