Hey does any-one know how the person that made the map Moon Waffle build his or hers elevator it looks so perfect and neat does any one know exactly how he or her built it! I really need help on this please tell me how!
Well, if you really need to see it, simply download the map and delete everything around it. If you want my opinion, it could be made slightly less complex. Oh, and if you use it give credit to Devinish, he made the original.
Ya you see i don't like stealing the idea simply by deleting it..... i want to build it my self is there a guild or something in building this?
Well, couldn't you delete the unneeded part of the map, examine the elavator, then, write your own guide? Or simply leave a comment on the map makers page or PM them.
Yeah, I'd say PMing Devinish is the way to go, definitely as far as credit goes, since it's his baby. As far as working out the mechanics goes, you could delete the rest of the map to have a look, but I'd say the best way to go would be to politely ask Devinish to explain it in detail, he can probably put it in words better than anyone else, and knows it inside out. A gracious message could go a long way in this situation, and Dev's a great guy, I'm sure he'll be willing to point you in the right direction.
Ok thanks i just did I hope he gives me a good response.......ok will a mod please lock this thread because i have my solution thanks everyone!
how made it all i can tell you is that creep1ng de4th made the elevator and that a ghost and chopper activate it you can maybe ask him