VanguardVanguard is an inverse symmetrical map that was originally sketched up using Fritzster’s sketchup components and was loosely based off of the map Sanctuary. The idea to make this map first came after looking at Lightz’s thread on base design, and I decided to make an inverse symmetrical, something that few other people have done. Gametypes Supported (Best bolded and underlined): CTF Slayer 2 Bomb Neutral Bomb The map contains: •1 Custom Powerup (2 Min Respawn) Located bottom middle •2 Sniper Rifles (2 Clips, 2:30 Drop Spawn, Run Time 4) Located at each team’s window •2 Carbines (45 Sec Respawn) Located at each team’s courtyard ramp •4 Battle Rifles (10 Sec Respawn) 2 Located one at each team’s flag spawn 2 Located one at each team’s courtyard •2 Plasmas (30 Sec Respawn) Located top middle •4 Frags (30 Sec Respawn) 2 Located at each team’s courtyard Pictures: Red Side Red Base Red Base Looking Out Red Courtyard Red Courtyard 2 Red Courtyard 3 Red Window Looking Out Mid Map Download Updated to version 2.07. Changes: Now Supports KoTH Cleaner blockoff Minor asthetic changes
This map is very clean. It reminds me of fritzers Regicide with the arch like structure and wall windows on the bases, and the walls interlocked into the boxes. From what I an see everything looks phenomonal with the clean interlocking. The weapon placement is supurb too. Only the sniper shouldn't be placed in its position of most power even if it looks good. Great job on this I would love to play this on my new years custom party. Very Very good map. 5/5 honestly
looks pretty good. merging is clean. geomerging is straight. what does inverse symmetrical mean. maybe you should add a few more weapons. because its only sniper and br's and carbines. thats not a lot. maybe a shot gun or even like smgs or soemthing like that you could add. other than that good job.
The best way I can describe inverse symmetrical is with a diagram. In a normal symmetrical map, it would like like this AA BB or AB AB But in inverse symmetrical it looks like this AB BA
Now that you've cleared that up a little more, I get how awesome this map is. It's really straight and clean, and you used the geometry and design as cover, which I like. Man, a lot of good MLG map releases today. Props to you
Finally!! A good inverse-symmetrical map is what I've been waiting for, and this map promises just that. From the screenshots provided, all I see is outstanding interlocking and a very symmetrical design. You've earned my download, and many more to come. Brilliant map, amazing idea!!
Wow, I personally have never heard of an inverse symetrical map for MLG. I think that its a very great idea for MLG because MLG usually has symetrical gameplay. This map is very clean from the looks of it, I can get back to you on a review later The only suggestion I could make is it make the back small rooms that you made with walls and boxes more open because it seems to enclosed back in there and it takes away, in my opinion, gameplay from MLG
By the back small rooms, I assume you mean the windows. The room is meant to be enclosed because it is a power position, but in order to make it a little less powerful I made it harder to get out of. There are only 2 walkways out of the window room, both of which are connected to eachother, and then you can jump through the window itself. This jump is not only difficult, but it definitely takes skill to master. By making the window a little enclosed, it took away a little of its power, but still kept it as a power position. And also, Sanctuary is inverse symmetrical and it was MLG for Halo 2.
I love this map! It looks so fun for gameplay. The Red Courtyard 3 pic shows that the bridges are kinda 'blinking'. Maybe you could have fixed that, but seeing all the work you've done, I guess it's okay. The bases are very unique, I like them a lot. They are in my opinion the best feature of this map. All the weapons and the Custom Power-Up look really well placed on the map. Great job + Download.
This is quite decent looking, and I love the look of it for an MLG map. You've got my interest, and I'll give you my thoughts when I get a game on it. Though I would ask you please edit the title to just read vanguard. I don't think I can lol
Wow, I believe you have a Hater out there somewhere Pulse. This was a 3 rating 5 star and now it's a 4 rating 4 star. That means some asshole came in and rated it a 1 just to be a jerk. Anyways, I love the map. I've told you from the start on this the design was beast and it definately did not disapoint. Let me know when you're running customs on the latest version.
I guess I must have a hater.... oh well. People are always going to do immature stuff like that. I will make sure to inv you next time I am playing games on this.
Many kudos for the F.L.A.P. win, Pulse. This is a great-looking map, and I'm looking forward to getting some matches on here.
Thank you. Please post some feedback after playing, I am really looking for some new feedback on the map.
A very refreshing MLG map i enjoyed it alot i dont think i have ever seen a 2 base map look completely different from the usual 2 base maps. Love the sniper spawn with its little ramp and the LOS are excellent. I love the map and congrats on winning best 2-base map in forge like a pro.
Thank you. I was trying to make something different from the typical 2 base MLG maps that still played flag well, and I believe I achieved that.