This is Laurock, AnF Knight's track that has been under construction for some time now and to a point is still under construction. I say its under construction still because the theme of this track is construction. This means there are lane closures, obstacles, and other little things to mess you up. This track is a little longer than the average track but its not nearly as long as my track Airborne Spin. This track has a cheat proof go to point and is for the most part cheat proof. Ladies and gentlemen, Laurock. Video below Download below Download link is below
Don't rate ur map unless someone downed it for no pics It looks really good... REALLY good cheat proof... clean... looks easy enough but not to easy KEEP IT UP!
Wow this map looks SMEXY. I love the idea of having a point where if you don't go over the right spot you have to go back a bit and retry. very nice! Also don't rate your own thread makes you look like an idiot, even though this map probably deserves a 5 star
This is an amazing racing map, it must of taken you a while to make it. I congratulate your effort and your probable success. I'm sure this will get to Bungie favorites eventually
DO NOT rate you own thread. Bad. Anyway, the track looks pretty neat. Personally I think having guardrails noobs it up a little too much, but that's just me, and only small portions of the track have them. I like how a lot of your track segments look off-camber, meaning it would be harder to keep a mongoose on them. For the most part, it looks pretty smooth, but a few areas look like they could be a little neater. It's really hard to make a racetrack original these days XD 3.5/5
WOW! I'm an anti racetrack player and i even downloaded this map. By far the best race map I've played ever 5/5!
wow amazing i just got on 5 stars on this one so I thought maybe only you were the only one who voted so i went to check it out now I know why it was 5 stars 2nd best track ive seen keep it up.
Looks pretty kewl. 4/5 Only thing is that the mongooses are kinda unfairly placed, whoever gets the back is probably gonna lose.
Looks great man. I am glad to see that you went back the the drawing board and really thought everything out this time. I will DL for sure. I will let you know how I liked the track once I get a chance to race it. Again, pics look good and I like the improvements already. Edit: Pretty cool man. I think it's one of your best. I did notice that the portals on the goal are blocked and some parts of the track lacked barriers though. It's not anti-cheat at all. Other than that, the design of the track is fun. I fell off the track once not knowing it went to single wide in one part.
Thanks alot Dream I really appreciate your posotive comment. I took probably 10 hours of re-building and re-disigning after the first version I made of this track and Im really glad I made the track again. Thank you very much all of you.
THIS MAP SUC.......CEEDS. EPIC. Its clean, geomerged, interlocked, creative (the start and turn mechanisms), and unique. Most importantly its a ton of fun. if everryone made maps like this, the world would be a forgetastic place. 6/5
I think the map is alright,the bank turns are very clean and neat.The only thing you should fix is the single wide parts,besides the bank single wide.Like the double wide walls that connect to the single wide,That should be fixed.Make it like slowly turn into a single wide not right away.But good job though.
There is a transition where the track goes single wide. The track slowly goes into a single wide track it dosent all of a sudden go single wide but what ever. Thanks for the comments and oh yea I wont be making any tracks for the time being because I broke my shoulder and my Xbox is all screwed up so ya thanks guys.
Um, it's actually extremely easy to cheat on. You can drop down from the double walls onto the bridges with ease, and immediatly get to the VIP point >.<
Omg this map is one of the coolest maps that I have ever seen, after testing this out, it's pretty amazing, i give it a 5/5! the giant turn in the sky is gold and the bridges in the middle are something that most of us havn't ever seen before! Also the non-cheating system is perfect for the first time you have every made one! Awesome job Ryan!
I simply do not get it. People are always all over this cheat proof thing, what does it matter if it is cheat proof. If you cant trust the people you are racing with not to cheat then simply dont race. I myself just dont race with those people who cheat. It is impossible to completly cheat proof a track and if you try to it takes away from the rest of the track. Thats all I have to say for now and just a saying to keep in mind " If you cant race without cheating, Your inner idiot is getting to you " - AnF Knight.
Dude you must be kidding me right? You guys have to stop cross post advertising. The mods are going to catch on. And it's not fair to everyone elses maps. The map is not anti cheat at all. So it is obvious that you are a liar.