Aesthetic Themes( A guide)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Rated Dirty, Dec 30, 2008.

  1. Rated Dirty

    Rated Dirty Ancient
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    Aesthetics are visual additions to a map for "eyecandy". It adds alot to your map, and it shows that you spent time on it. Here is a list of different Aesthetic Themes.

    Covenant- A group of Aesthetic effects ranging from shield walls, power cores(like from Sapphire), Certain Structures. These are very creative and beautiful. Used for well, covenant themed maps. Structures are usually round and is the center of the map. Shield doors and batteries are the most common used thing for covenant themed maps. Make the power weapon a sword or even a fuel rod gun. Add more color and "spice" to your map as covenant themes are usuallty alot more beautiful.

    Brute- These range from choppers outside of your map, powercores, spiked weapon sets. Anything brutal like. Add a hammer or brute shot for your power weapon. For your grenades use spike grenades and have weapons like spikers and carbines around the map. Most brute structures are sharp cornered and look old styled. Add some human weapons since brutes tend to use human weapons. Add equipment like shields and regens.

    Human- From Hogs, Tele Writing, Powerup Lights, Cones, Trucks, and anything of the sort. This is the most common aesthetic set. Weapons range from Assualt Rifles, to Flamethrowers. Kind of gives you a
    city or base feel. Alot of human themed maps tend to have alot more stairs and bridges. The most common human map ideas are based off of old bases and factories. For power weapons have rockets or shotguns as your power weapon. Use BR's and AR's mostly to put around your map.

    Forerunner- Like the old look of our ancestors? Set up some forerunner themed maps. These can include certain structures based off Forerunner Architect. There are also certain forge items to use. The Power Weapon of your map could be the Sentinel Beam. Alot of forerunner themed maps use round geometry. Geo-merging is very often in forerunner maps. People like to use things like teleporters and mancannons to make something nice. Use dull colors such as grey and brown as your main map color set. Alot of forerunner maps are symmetrical and contain items such as plasma and regular nades. Weapons like brute shots and needlers seem to be common here. Maps are usually smaller than regular maps and are mostly used for 2v2.

    These are just some of the sets there are. If you have anymore, please comment and tell me what they are. I am adding pictures soon, sorry about the guide being to simple at first, I will update soon.

    Mutual <3

    Flood can also be one of the Aesthetic effects. Just like broken down things and wrecked vehicles.
    #1 Rated Dirty, Dec 30, 2008
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2009
  2. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    how is this a guide? and dont double post
  3. headlessbarbie

    headlessbarbie Ancient
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    yeah, how is this a guide? All you did was basically describe a few weapon sets(as if we couldn't tell which weapons belong to which race).

    "Brute- .... spiked weapon sets. Anything brutal like."


    "Forerunner- Like the old look of our ancestors? Set up some forerunner themed maps. These can include certain structures based off Forerunner Architect. There are also certain forge items to use."

    Ohhhhh! so to make forerunner aesthetics, I set up "a forerunner themed map", put "certain structures based off forerunner architect", and use "certain forge items"? so specific! I'll never have trouble with this!!

    "Covenant- .....Certain Structures. These are very creative and beautiful. Used for well, covenant themed maps."

    Oh! "certain structures"!! and i just have to make them very creative and beautiful. Isn't that the whole point of this thread; to tell you HOW to make your maps beautiful?

    All in All, a complete waste of everyone's time.
  4. Rated Dirty

    Rated Dirty Ancient
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    Chill *****, Damn.
  5. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    I didn't want to lol to that, but LOL! Reminds me of a one of my friends...
  6. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    He was trying to be helpful to some people, even if it is mostly common knowledge. You guys need to settle down. If you dont find it helpful, move along.
  7. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    Indeed TSB.

    And Mutual, it wouldn't hurt to add what would classify each criteria.


    Covenant themed maps would have lots of curves and odd angles.

    Brute themed maps would be very rough and crudely built, like most of their weapons and vehicles.

    Forerunner would be very precisely angled and neatly crafted.

  8. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    You should add pics.
  9. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Every body should contribute to this thread together to make it somthing extrordinary.

    Most commonly weapon and vechals can theme your map. Unless you are going for a brute themed map where there aren't that many choices of weapons.

    covenant: For covenant themed maps try centering the map off of one large unplayable structure that is amazingly pleasing to look at. Covenent geometry seems to be rounder and smoother than most other factions.

    Human: For human themed maps it helps to have two bases that the map is built from. Many different elevations in the form of walkways and floors. Instead of using a gravity lift to reach higher elevations use stairs or jumping places. Geometry is mostly flat and cubical. Avoid doing anything spooky like mounting weapons or veichals on the walls.

    Forunner: For a forerunner themed map you shold include large unplayable features in the top of your map, since the forerunners would just fly instead of walk. Not much you can do with the weapon set since there is only one weapon and it is hardly a power weapon. Try doing a covenent themed weapon set with some forerunner influence. For geometry do large vast rooms with interesting angles of fire and different elevations. Pillars are a nice aestetic touch that also contributes to gameplay. If you ever play on the level the ark look here for influence.

    Brute: For brute try doing human weapons with some brute influence seeing as your choices are limited. Try to include the gravity hammer and brute shot as the power weapons of your map. For equiptment try using a trip mine or a bubble sheild. For geometry it is very hard because we have never seen any brute geometry. Because of their savage like behavior we will asume they live in human style buildings except slightly more high tech. Sheild doors, gravity lifts.
  10. Rated Dirty

    Rated Dirty Ancient
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    Thank you, I will add pictures. I understand that this is simple, but I was trying to just show a point
  11. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    Perhaps a tutorial on how to "re-tile" foundry's floor? You can't do it everywhere, but it adds a little something to your map.

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