Forging Help Shop

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Yevah, Dec 31, 2008.

  1. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
    Senior Member

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    forge helper shop

    Ok so guys I've been working with a lot of different people helping them out with some forging, and getting them use to the forging basic's. I really liked doing this so I decided to make my own little bussiness where if someone needs help learning how to forge, needs help getting a hard merge, or anything in that matter, we will try to help.

    I might not be the best forger, but im very experienced in it, I know good forging skills when I see them. If you want help fill out the help application. If you want to try and apply to help me then fill out the member application.

    Fill out the application below if you need help on anything.

    Help Application
    (step by step)
    1. Gamertag
    2. what you need help with
    3. message one of the shop members on when you will be able to get on live(the members are listed below)

    Member Application
    to become a member of the shop just fill out the application

    1. How experienced are you at forging (your own opinion) (scale 1-10)
    2. Your Gamertag
    3. Your forgehub name
    4. links and list of your maps {best maps} (so i can see your forging skills, and how well you know it)

    I will not pick up anyone, and im only going to have a few spots open

    I will send you a message ( profile message ) telling you if you can be a member or not after I see your application, etc..

    #1 Yevah, Dec 31, 2008
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2009
  2. zConviction

    zConviction Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Member application

    I guess im experienced : i say 7/10 or 8/10 idk

    GT : C0N741N3D

    FH NAME : C0N741N3D

    I only have one map posted, so, yeah, its on my signature

    BTW i wouldnt want to help with geomerging, im not the best at it.
  3. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok ill see what I can do, (im trying to find people who's mastered all the forging basic's, but I can teach you how to geomerge) Let me take a look at your map.
  4. travishavey

    travishavey Ancient
    Senior Member

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    locus 1
    learning how to geomerge strait
    ill be on at anytime.

    I dont know if i did this right. im hardly ever forging but it aggervates me not noing how to geomerge strait.
  5. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah you did it right. Theres been a quiet a bit of people not knowing how to do this, you need to do save and quiet method. Ill send you a friend request and will get on that, maybe sometime tomorrow.
  6. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    There really is no need for this you know.

    Forgehub already provides a Forging 101 section and FlemProductions creates Machinima's specifically teaching these forge techniques.
    Not to mention Bl00D F1R3's epic win Forge School Machinima Series.(lol wasnie)

    If you guys need help you can easily post a topic in the discussion forum asking for help like the rest of the Hub.

    Anyways, good luck on keeping this alive you'll need it.
  7. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yeah lol, well i just thought I would do this to help the community. Also we will (I as of now) go into the forge and actually show them person to person, so..
    but all well even if this turns out to be a win or a fail thread atleast im trying to help

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