A question: do you draw the stock art in these sigs, because if so, your a fairly good artist. Also, not bad. I like the change in color compared to Thief. it really contrasts the darker colors, of the woman's shirt and eyes.
I don't draw the character if that's what you're asking, but I could. I need a tablet to do that though. Can't afford it right now though. Border or no?
I actually didn't recognize the border, it's a little to subtle. Assuming your using Photoshop, I would adjust the pixels from it's current setting (I'm guessing 1.) to anywhere between 2-5. Oh, and Happy New Year my good sir.
Well, the two programs are relatively similar, although GIMP is free. I guess the border deal is really up to you isn't it?
Not at all. If I could afford Photoshop, I would buy most indefinitely. And yea, so rate the one without the border.
First of all, there's no reason to ever not have a border. Some type of border might look better than another, but always put a border on your graphics, even if it's just a 1px black border. It's like a painting without a frame. The dimensions are a bit...strange. For signatures, I like to use anything from 350x130 to 370x130. It's a sleek, attractive canvas, but it still gives you plenty of room to work with. Your current dimensions make your canvas look very bulky...almost beginning to resemble a square. It's pretty awkward to look at. Thirdly, you're trying too hard with your text. Don't feel compelled to do the "dividing faded-line" style if it doesn't look and feel right. You're hoping to make it look elegant but you're just not really thinking about whether it looks good or not. The text is practically off the canvas; it looks like it was thrown on sloppily and it relates, in no way whatsoever, to the surrounding image. You'd have been better off without any text on this one. Sorry for the long post, but these are definitely things you should work on. I hate all anime in graphics, so I feel no need to comment on the render.