Octagon Created by IIINIII Map is a small ring "octagon" were it has good flow and lins of sight from top to bottom. Very good for a 1v1 or 2v2 as it is a small map. Supported MLG Gametypes: Slayer FFA Hill Oddball [size=8pt]Description:[/size] Map is a small ring "octagon" were it has good flow and lins of sight from top to bottom. Very good for a 1v1 or 2v2 as it is a small map. Forging 101: [ YES ] __Floating Objects [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ YES ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects
It definitaly look different from most of the maps on here anyways. The symmetricalness <--LOL, is cool, but I think some of it looks messy, also more pics would be nice....
I would definitly make some changes in the future when creating a v2. The factor that I really think needs to be improved immensily is the appearance of this map. I mean if can be cleaned up by interlocking a bit more, flipping the bridges and boxes over and making the map more enclosed because its obviously easily escapable
I'll check it out. It looks even smaller then my 1v1 map Archetype. I see potential in this design. But it needs a lot.
I am sorry but THAT^^^^^ is advertising, I suggest changing that before you get infracted... you checked Objects Merged with Map Geometry you didn't geomerge... you interlocked, I suggest flipping the bridges for a smmother walk... if there is no roof, it is very escapeable...
so you guys think i should do a v2 this was the first map i made i am finishing a map up today and will post and it is a whole lot better. oh and escaping is hard to do. but in a v2 i would defently change it