And Forgehub's Game of the Year Is...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Shatakai, Dec 31, 2008.

  1. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    The gears of war continue to turn as Marcus Fenix and his squad of Cogs go back into action in the sequel to Microsoft and developer Epic Games' blockbuster action title. Gears of War 2 continues the story of Marcus Fenix and Delta Squad, locked in an increasingly desperate battle against the nightmarish Locust Horde for the survival of humanity. The game is an epic saga of survival, loss, and retribution. Just as Gears of War set the standard for high-definition visuals, Gears of War 2 raises the bar even further with the amazing technological advances of Unreal Engine 3, delivering a bigger, badder, and more intense experience as the story continues.


    With the epic single player, intense multiplayer action, and fantastic additions like the all new horde mode, Gears of War 2 surpasses its predecessor by leaps and bounds.

    Honorable mention goes to Left 4 Dead, coming in second place by 3 votes. I would also like to apologize, as real life events kept me from posting this thread on time.

    With 2008 being one of the best years for the gaming industry so far, we can only wait to see what 2009 has in store.

    Thank you for participating, and may everyone have a happy new year!​
    #1 Shatakai, Dec 31, 2008
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2009
  2. overthehodge

    overthehodge Ancient
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    overall, i agree.
    but i still wish it was better.
    i want more.
  3. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    I would have to disagree with your choice. All though, Gears 2 was good, there just wasn't enough new content for me to call it a true sequel. Campaign is just more of the same. Multiplayer wasn't all that amazing. and Horde mode has been done before.

    Not only that, but some of the gameplay additions should have been in the first game. I mean seriously, they're advertising, the fact that you can have chainsaw battles, or actually crawl once you get shot up! Amazing! /sarcasm

    All-in-All I believe Gears of War 2, should be more like Gears of War 1.5

    oh and....WHERE'S MY WIFE!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Ask TSB. He's usually taking people's girls.

    Yes, GoW2 wins hands down. Whenever I think GOTY I think Gears of War 2.
  5. zConviction

    zConviction Ancient
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    I so glad, GOW 2 and GOW was awsome, i beat 2, the story was better, and funner. The multiplayer has some new features, and great maps. And horde.
  6. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Agreed. I loved the campaign much more than GoW.
  7. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    This was not my choice. There was a voting thread where people on FH voted, and they chose GoW2.
  8. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Lol what? How is it a 1.5? Not even ****in close to a 1.5

    CoDWaW, thats a 4.1 if anything.

    Gears upped the scale of the campaign, added way more plot twists and story hooks, changed some game mechanics for the better. It added horde and bots. It completely changed how matchmaking was done. It fixed some problems and added new things. It's completely a sequel? That's what a sequel is? You don't change things that work, or you get fail games like ever bond game past Goldeneye, and PDZ.

    GoW2 for GOTY for sure. I can say Fable should be nearly there as well.
  9. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    As much as I hate you, I can't disagree with you. A 1.5 for a game that's been hyped for is like rating Halo 3 2/10.

    I think your rating (The Cheat) was rather immature (no offense). You rate a game by it's playability and smoothness. It seems as you rated it because your distaste towards the game because you either lose a lot, or just don't care for the controls.
  10. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    Frag Man and Chris, I wasn't saying it's rating was a 1.5, I was saying it wasn't really a true sequel as far as gameplay mechanics and additions go.

    I personally didn't like the first one. The multiplayer was a little buggy, and the story was pretty generic. In fact, I couldn't finish the first Gears of War's campaign, because of how boring it was.

    Gears 2 however, kept me a little more interested, because they evolved the story beyond:

    "find these dudes, kill these other dudes. Occasionally split up to find and kill more dudes."

    to a more in-depth and unique story. They developed on the Locust, which became something more than, bad guy aliens. There were some new twists, but nothing that really stood out.

    Horde Mode, has been done in a few games before Gears 2, so I was very thrilled with it.

    I didn't bother with the multiplayer, so your assumption that I "sucked" at it is wrong. Personally, I didn't like Gears multiplayer from the start, it just feels weird being in 3rd Person all the time, and the fact that Marcus takes up half the screen doesn't help.

    The controls were exactly to my taste, that is true, but I don't base an entire game review around that. I just simply learn the controls and adapt, if I get better, good. If I don't, oh well.

    Actual gameplay changes were subtle, there were a few things that should have been in Gears 1, such as crawling after you've shot and start to bleed out, and using enemies as meat shields. Chainsaw duels seemed like a very clever way to corrupt more children's eyes with ridiculous amounts of gore and violence, and I don't really see much use for a gun with a Chainsaw taped to it, why don't just have a bayonet attached to it?

    Personally, if you wanted my actually rating for it, I would say 4.5, good but could be better. There were some games that I thought should have been GOTY besides Gears 2.
  11. 07WRX

    07WRX Ancient
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    I'm going to have to disagree with that statement. '08 was a fairly dry year for must haves.
  12. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Statistics do not lie. This was the single most profitable year for gaming in history.
  13. 07WRX

    07WRX Ancient
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    I'll credit that to new users, and I'm not referring to profits. I was thinking that he meant games in general, not profits.
  14. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    Gears2 does not deserve said accolade.
  15. 07WRX

    07WRX Ancient
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    Ha ha, thank you harsh mistress, I must agree! lol
  16. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    what does then?

    i didnt think so...
  17. 07WRX

    07WRX Ancient
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    possible nominee for stupid post of the thread award.

    GTAIV was a much more solid game than Gears 2, it would be a more deserving cadidate.
  18. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    There's a few games more deserving ...

    LittleBigPlanet for one ... it's so much more groundbreaking. It may not be graphically on par, but its about the overall experience. Just my opinion.

    *awaits the whines about how its a PS3 game and this is an XBox fanboy forum*
  19. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Halo > GOW in every way, shape or form.

    2008 was not 'one of the best gaming years'. Even 2007 was better, but i wouldn't give it to that year either.

    Good review, but it's your review, not ForgeHubs.
  20. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I agree with Matty, 2008 was an okay year for gaming. There were a lot of big name games which were all over-hyped. Barely any of actually lived up to said hype.

    Almost an opposite case with 2008's films though, imo.

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