
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by buzzimu, Dec 31, 2008.

  1. buzzimu

    buzzimu Ancient
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    6-12 Players
    Outfitted for Team Slayer, CTF, and Oddball
    Download Here

    Now when I started making this, i started from scratch, and didn't think to use the Infinite money glitch. So there wont be any remakes of this map, because there is no more money left.

    Anyway, Requisition is a Symmetrical Competitive Map. It features 3 Paths for getting to the other base, and a sniper tower in the middle. The sniper tower is only accessible to one person every minuet, but being the only sniper holder will make that person an easy target. And with little room to move around, there won't be too much trouble.

    And Now for the Screenshots!

    The Over View. Keep in mind that this portrays only one half of the map.


    This is the Sniper Tower That Lies in the Center of the Map.


    This is the Alternate Path on the other side. Symmetrical


    A Hallway Connects the Two Sides Through the Middle.


    There's about 5 Easter Eggs That i wont Reveal. Have Fun!
    Now Some Simple Real Game Action Shots.



  2. Caseyken

    Caseyken Ancient
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    Pretty neat map, and I enjoyed it, but (and I really hate saying this)...

    Needs more interlocking.
  3. DoTTii

    DoTTii Ancient
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    lol needs moar interl0x (j/k)

    on a serious note:
    the map looks fun and i sometimes like it when a map is just simple. But also it does look like you slacked off and didn't put much work in to the map. This is just from the picture seeing as i dont have a Galo 3 disc at the moment
  4. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    rofl Galo 3

    anyway the map seems quite good even without interlocks and geo merging i think if a version 2 comes up then include interlocking and geo merging and it could be an excellent map also flip the bridges and boxes for a more aesthetic feel

  5. mauserman

    mauserman Ancient
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    well i think that it isnt bad for no interlocking because not all maps need interlocking but some of it still needs it but the sniper tower looks really nice 3/5
  6. pjboyforgestyle

    pjboyforgestyle Ancient
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    I like regular maps because there in my league lol jk but i do like this one it looks pretty cool. probley realy fun for flag tell me if you get a v2 . 3/5
  7. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    this would be better with some interlocking and geomerging.then again,everything is.I think this wouldbe good with the infinate budget (for money) and some asthetic's(for looks).At the moment the only cool feature I see is the sniper tower. a 2/5 from me at the moment.I'll download and do a forgthrough.

    also,read the rules pjboyforgestyle,he said he wouldnt make a v2
  8. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    You should probably go punch yourself in the face and go try to raise your post count elsewhere. Spamtacular.

    Anyway, like everyone else has said, some interlocking would really help clean this map up a lot. I'm not one of those noobers who runs around saying "Needz moar InterLoxz LOL -5/5", because interlocking and geomerging do not make a map. Gameplay does. However, in this case, the map really would look and pla a lot more cleanly and smoothly if you were to interlock a lot of items, like the bridges in the first pic.

    All in all, looks like you have a pretty neat layout here. I like these more simplistic symmetrical layouts, they generally lend themselves to better gameplay. However, I've said it before and I'll say it again, I HATE sniper towers with a flaming passion. They ruin maps. They're basically just like mini armories: You put a sniper in a position where it has a lot of cover and LoS to the entire map and just rapes everybody.

    One question: why do you have a skull in your second action pic? Is that one of the Easter Eggs? Mods are not allowed on this site AT ALL... if that's what it is you might wanna take that out before the Mod Police come and take you away.

    For now, 3/5. Clean it up for a better score =)
  9. D34thly F1r3

    D34thly F1r3 Ancient

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    Hey interlocking and geo-merging dont make a good map, the best map i have ever played didn't have any interlocking at all (the fact that it was HuricaneKatrina is besides the point) but that map is so much fun, without interlocking or geo-merging.

    The map looks pretty average but i will have to check gameplay before i make a rating, which is against the rules to do if you havent played it
  10. buzzimu

    buzzimu Ancient
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    I'm Holding the oddball? (Totally Modded) :D

    Lol.... Owned.

    No thats not one of the easter eggs. you have to find them yourself

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