This is my new track curvature. It took many hours to make and has many different aspects that make it fun. this map starts out as you go down a hill and onto two banked turns and then it goes into a new type of track which contains a straight part and a banked part so thats pretty fun. if you want to see the map just look at the pics below: Starting Banked Turns Half Bank Half Straight Big Banked Turn Under The Track Finish Line Tunnel Download Curvature just use the regular racetracks gametype with this or battletracks will work too.
Wow this looks very nice and fairly original. Some Walls look a little sloppy, but it seems like it plays alright. An overview would be nice 4/5
Looks interesting but some of the interlocking is sloppy which may mess up the racing and from the pics i see that some of the barriers are messy... (just a little) Neatness - 2/5 Creativity - 4/5 Awsomeness - 5/5 ( that swerve is pretty cool ) Overall - 3/5
It looks a bit sloppy but the layout of the track is beautiful and the idea is marvelous. The two banked turns in the beginning are fantastic and the finish line part is sweet too. I love it. Keep forging.
you got my download goldman. YOu have been making racemaps for a while now and i respect you for your perseverance. Your forging skills could use some improvement however. Genius idea, just try to execute it with cleaner tactics and an overview of the final product. Keep up the good work. 4.5/5
I Like the double walls how it waves but the only thing thats kind of cool and kind of dumb is the dumbster in the middle.Its alright idea but i would perfer it.Besides that Good Job.
could use a tidbit of straightening, but other than that, its perfect 4/5 lol slik i dont know if you meant to do that but u spelled "dumpster", "dumbster" to signify it was dumb
This map looks great man, the smoothness is great, and its amazing how you've managed to make it so big. The only thing I don't like is that it is on foundry. Sorry, but I never dl maps on foundry, they just aren't big enough, and don't give you that thrill of falling off a very high track, like on Avalanche or a similar map. No offense though, its a great map, and I'm tempted to dl it even though it is on foundry and a mostly double wide.