Well I went to my local Gamestop yesterday to pick up one of those sexy new red/black controllers since all of my current controls like to randomly disconnect. Of course one can't wander into a Gamestop without some bargain shopping so I decided to look around. I ended up stumbling on a dusty copy of Jade Empire for original xbox for $5. It didn't even have a case, but I heard it was a pretty good game so what the hell. Bioware has a history of developing quality games (see Baldur's Gate, KotOR, and Mass Effect) so I decided to give it a go. Well, I got home, turned on my new controller, and popped Jade Empire into my 360. The backwards compatibility update installed and the game loaded up. I was greeted by some nice images of Chinese martial artists followed by the character creation screen. I decided to go with a female balanced fighter since the males looked a bit brutish for my taste. Long story short, I am enjoying Jade Empire, a lot. I am enjoying it so much so that I have put down Fallout 3. I would even go as far as saying that overall Jade Empire is a better game than Fallout. Of course this is my personal opinion, but I like this sort of thing. I mean who doesn't enjoy a real time martial arts rpg where you get to wail on peasants, bandits, assasins, ghosts, demons, and the like? If anyone is looking for an incredibly cheap and amazing game, I recommend you go to gamestop.com and find a Gamestop near you that has a used copy of the game. Alternatively you can download it off the XBL Marketplace under Xbox Originals for 1200 MSP. You will not regret it, especially if you enjoy Western RPG games.
AND IM GETTING PHOTOSHOP BACK!!! ITS 16% THROUGH DOWNLOADING!!!!! today is a great day my friend. i did love their KotOR games. those were truly amazing. EDIT: now its 22% through!!! and i reordered my sig!!
So you have played Mass Effect, TrueDarkFusion? I too am a fan of Bioware and Mass Effect. Is Jade Empire like it but a different setting?
Yea it's another Bioware game. Think Mass Effect, except Aliens = Asians, Space = the Orient, and Guns = Swords. It got a 9.9 from IGN back in the day. Trust me, it is really really good, even by today's standards.
Great then, I will look into it. And on another note, I cannot wait until Mass Effect 2 comes out this new year.
This game well deserved it's rating from IGN, and I'm a proud supporter of IGN ratings, movies and all. Although graphical-wise, it's not as great as some of the AAA titles today, the game has really good graphics for an Original title. If anyone's looking for info and screenshots of the game, check the IGN page.
"Jade Empire was released as an Xbox Original on Microsoft's Xbox 360 on July 21, 2008." 15 dollars though. Edit: DARN YOU TDF! Bane of my existence.
I remember when Jade Empire came out. Seemed like a good I just didn't own a xbox so I didn't get it. $5 ain't that bad though. Deity I think it would be bane. PS very sexy controller.
I'm looking at picking up a red controller myself... my wired controller seems to have its days numbered. Ah well. I'm not too big of fan of RPGs, I never really have been. Then again I haven't played one in several years, so if I ever pick one up, I'll probably become addicted immediately. I'm a fan of first person games. Even in racing games I like to drive from inside the cockpit.