Emerald Tower

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by s90henige, Dec 31, 2008.

  1. s90henige

    s90henige Ancient
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    Emerald Tower v2.0

    Emerald Tower v2.0
    Created by s90henige (gamertag: ResrgntCinerbus)

    Recommended Gametypes:
    MLG TS
    MLG KotH
    MLG Ball

    Map Description


    -Rockets moved to center Furnace (original location in Long Hall made Emeral Tower side too powerful).
    -Substitution of Invisibility to replace MLG Overshield (Invisibility serves as better counter to Sniper).
    -Removal of walls serving as cover on upper-levels of Emerald & A-Tower (seemed pointless as being up high is cover enough).
    -Addition of 2nd Mauler (one on each half evens out their effectivness).
    -Bridge from ET 3, across top-mid, is extended all the way across to A2.
    -Jump-ups added to Long Hall, A-Corner, and front of ET 4 from ET 3.
    -As well as several boundary limitations to prevent players from getting up to Upper Level of Foundry.

    Weapon Set:

    BR (x4/10 sec)
    Covenant Carbine (x2/90sec)
    Mauler (x2/1 clip/120 sec)
    Rocket Launcher (1 clip/180 sec)
    Sniper Rifle (1 clip/150 sec)

    Active Camo (180 sec)
    Plasma Grenade (x8/30 sec)
    Frag Grenade (x4/30 sec)

    This is my second map posted on Forge Hub & my first asymmetric MLG map. I’ve forged off a few symmetrical maps over the past few months and was looking for a change of scenery. Shortly after completing my first Forge Hub post (MLG Diesel) I began construction on what came to be Emerald Tower (ET).

    During initial designing stages, Emerald Tower started with long hallway behind a large wall-like structure (much like the hallway along the back of Halo 2’s Ivory Tower). The large structure in this map is referred to as the ET or the Sniper Tower. The ET itself contains four levels through which players can navigate across the map. Level 1 (Basement Level) of the ET contains one entrance from Long Hallway and two entrances from the center of the map. The Second Level of the ET has four access points: stairs from ET 1, stairs from Long Hall Defenders side, bridge from Defenders Corner, and ledge from Long Hall Attackers’ side. ET 2 allows for movement to pretty much any point on the map. ET 3 is a small rook-like structure erected in the front center of the ET. ET 3’s main purposes are to allow quick access to ET 4 and A-Tower.

    ET 4 is the topmost level of the Emerald Tower, and is also where the Sniper Rifle spawns. ET 4 is reachable via three alternate routes: a ramp on either side in each Team Corner and multiple jumps from ET 3 in front. Notable elements of ET 4’s design include little to no cover (there has to be risk in order to obtain the Snipe), and an escape shaft that is located near the Sniper. The shaft was originally designed as a Man Cannon Lift, but usage of said lift was erratic and unpredictable, so the shaft is now used as an escape route for a player on ET 4 under heavy fire.

    Now with so much effort and thought put into only 40% of the battlefield, another tower was required to even out game play. In the A-Corner stands a Spiral Tower located directly beneath the foundry crane and opposite the Emerald Tower. A-Side Level 1 (Basement) is where Defenders spawn in most game variants. Just outside of A-Tower, near the center of the map, stands a tall box pillar with a furnace-like appearance. This “furnace” is where the Rocket Launcher spawns. A bridge between the “furnace” and A-Tower allows for jumps from A1 to A2.

    The two towers took about a week to complete and left me with little inspiration for completing the Team Corners. The Team Corners took the last 2 and-some-odd weeks of my life away from me over the past month. After going through 2 different structures (that’s 2 different Blue Corners and 2 different Red Corners) I was finally happy with what I had completed. Both corners are easily accessible from Basement Level, & each provides alternate routes through ramps, bridges, and jumps to every other part of the map. Now even though they are presented with simple construction, the Team Corners of Emerald Tower are essential elements to the fluid & competitive game play of the map.

    Now for a pictorial tour of Emerald Tower…


    Overview from Defenders’ Corner

    Overview of Emerald Tower from front (Sniper spawn center of uppermost level)

    Ramp to ET 4 from Defender’s Corner

    Defenders' Corner looking down Long Hallway

    Invisibility spawn & overview of Emerald Tower from A3

    Long Hallway to Attackers’ Corner & exit of Escape Shaft

    Front of A-Tower (Spiral Tower) from ET 3

    Back of A-Tower to Defenders’ Corner


    With clean interlocking and geomerges, Emerald Tower stands alone in its creativity and overall presentation. MLG Ball, TS, & KotH remain the best game variants for this map. I finalized this version first, but I’m working on a traditional Matchmaking Version that would apply to Team Objective and Team Slayer. All power weapons are drop spawned.


    -Rockets moved to center Furnace (original location in Long Hall made Emeral Tower side too powerful).
    -Substitution of Invisibility to replace MLG Overshield (Invisibility serves as better counter to Sniper).
    -Removal of walls serving as cover on upper-levels of Emerald & A-Tower (seemed pointless as being up high is cover enough).
    -Addition of 2nd Mauler (one on each half evens out their effectivness).
    -Bridge from ET 3, across top-mid, is extended all the way across to A2.
    -Jump-ups added to Long Hall, A-Corner, and front of ET 4 from ET 3.
    -As well as several boundary limitations to prevent players from getting up to Upper Level of Foundry.

    DL, play, rate, and comments are greatly appreciated.

    Download Emerald Tower v2.0

    Download Matchmaking version of Emeral Tower v2.1 (different weapon set)


    Other Maps by s90henige

    Download my Symmetrical MLG map Diesel V3.0

    Download Matchmaking version of Diesel v3.1
    #1 s90henige, Dec 31, 2008
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2009
  2. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
    Senior Member

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    when you say clean interlocking, i assume that in the last pic the walkway was meant to be on a slight angle?
    anyway the map is phenomanal, the intelocking as you said is clean and the hieght of the structures gives the map an interesting feel.
    the weapons are placed evenly and it seems to be un-escapable.
    edit* now that i looked at it more there are about 6-7 little tiny flaws, in most of your pics, i can see that some walls are slightly off and there is a crooked box.
  3. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    Thats not the point i can go into most of the featured maps and find flaws. So him messing up 6 interlocks or geomerges doesnt make the map unclean. i doubt you could do a better job so you shouldnt have an entire post deticated to say he has bad interlocking and you didnt even go in to the map so you shouldnt base things off pictures. The pictures can decieve the eye.

    But over all he did a good job. hte map layout is nice. The only thing i think is the very high parts you dont need walls sticking up because height is a cover itself but other than that it seems well done
  4. mauserman

    mauserman Ancient
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    this map has great interlocking and it actually seems kinda big to and i like the top area it makes me feel like i am in a jungle lol 5/5
  5. pjboyforgestyle

    pjboyforgestyle Ancient
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    Way to go nice interloking and geomerging looks real intense and alot of good gameplay action. I just don't think theres not enought wepons but other then that 4.5/5 for me.
  6. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
    Senior Member

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    well im sorry if my post seemed like i hated the map but if you had noticed, i called his map phenomanal and said they were really tiny flaws.
  7. The Worker

    The Worker Ancient
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    WTF, have you played this map ? You just saw pictures, and you are criticizing because the pictures does not look that great. How could say this "This map looks phenomenal" if you haven't even played this map. It is like criticizing a foregin food that looks like crap, but tastes good once you eat it! Well... anyways this map is not bad, I played it with my friends, and it is better to play this map 3 vs 3.
  8. Kion FH

    Kion FH Ancient
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    Its new years, so I'm not going to DL yet, but this is definatly worth it! This probably deserves a feature. he layout is clean and original, and when I first saw it it brought tears to my eyes. A definate 5/5 until I can DL and check it out!
  9. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
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    This is truely a great map. I downloaded and played with a couple of friends and did a forgethrough and in the pics where some of the interlocks look sort of crooked or off, they aren't. It's just the angle that the pics are at that make them look that way. 3v3 or 4v4 are a perfect amount of players to play with. 5v5 is way too crowded and 2v2 makes you have to friggin' go hunting for5 minutes to find a guy. It makes foundry seem much bigger than it is. The only thing I don't like is all the walls up on the top floors which I assume where put as cover. They don't look that good and there wouldn't be much of a difference without them. This is still a great looking map with smooth gameplay besides that and it should be downloaded by everyone who see's this thread.
    It is inescapable, but you can get up on the ledge on the top edge of foundry. Not gonna say how though. Sorry cheaters.
  10. wapproce

    wapproce Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this is great 5/5 but to be honest you should try something original...
    you got good skillz
    go ahead mod count this as spam and infarct me...

    #10 wapproce, Dec 31, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 1, 2009
  11. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    It's boarderline, but try to step up the post a bit. Give suggestions for what he can add, skip the ratings (they are like spam detectors). Comment on what you liked, and disliked. Oh and don't say that you can be infracted for spam..
  12. s90henige

    s90henige Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks to those of you who posted, your advice and comments helped in v2.0. Okay, so a second version of Emerald Tower is now available. Minor changes include the addition of a few jump-ups, relocation of weapons & power-ups, and other structural changes pointed out in the main post of this thread. So please download the new version if you had the original. Also, a matchmaking version of the map that is non-MLG is available for those of you who like the map but want some more goodies like a Spartan Laser or Energy Sword...SICK WAD BRO.

  13. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    You should get some overview shots or maybe some containing 80% of the map. It helps a viewer take it all in, and understand whats going on. Anyways clean interlocking blah blah blah. 5/5

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