Graboid Attack!

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by ActionFrank451, Dec 31, 2008.

  1. ActionFrank451

    ActionFrank451 Ancient
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    "They say there's nothing new under the sun. But Under the ground...."

    Welcome to Perfection Nevada! Population 16 + 1 hungry Worm. : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    Backstory: This map and gametype came about after a friend of mine and myself were messing around with the gravity hammer. Upon realizing it could hit through walls we decided we needed to make a gametype around that mechanic. Immediately, we thought of the Tremors series of movies and their underground monsters.

    How it works:
    Gametype: Infection

    The Graboid Spawn

    The first Graboid is the "Alpha Graboid". He has 75% speed, but has normal gravity and 1000% damage resistance. He is equipped with a Gravity Hammer and Instant Kill

    The Alpha may create other Graboids by killing humans. These 2nd gen graboids have the same health, weapon, Instant Kill, and damage resistance. The main difference is that the 2nd gen has 200% gravity and 200% speed, making them quick, but grounded.

    To get a kill Graboids must attack humans by hitting the "Ceiling" of the tunnels with their Gravity Hammers.



    The yellow spartan is me, and the brown spartan is Actionsoldius.
    Brown is the default graboid color.

    As far as the humans go, there isn't much to say, other than they have no shields and start off only with an assault rifle.

    The map is very roughly based off the town of Perfection. If we had had more bridge and double wall pieces, the town could have been bigger.

    Map Overview
    (Walls removed for better view)
    From left to right; Nancy's House, Burt and Heather's, The Rescue Trailer, The Water Tower.

    NOTE: A grav lift will spawn next to the water tower one minute into the game, allowing the player to take refuge at the top.

    From left to right: The Water Tower, Nester's Trailer, Chang's Market.

    Although the map has a plentiful supply of weapons, and even a turret, it is a risk to get them. It is especially important that the humans work together, as one person will have a hard time taking down a graboid.

    The path to the weapons is explainded below.

    The Human Spawn
    Human's spawn on the roof of Chang's Market. There are a scant few weapons with a pitifuly low ammo count. Grab what you need and head to Nancy's House.

    NOTE: If you fall off of the back of Chang's store, there is a teleport back to town, but you will be dumped in its center, out in the open.

    Nester's Trailer
    Although it's structurally unstable, Nester's Trailer does have a rocket launcher. Plus, its located directly across from Chang's. Make this pitstop if necessary.

    Nancy's House
    Located to the right of Nester's trailer is Nancy's House. To get in you must break down a barricade made of a few pallets and a crate. This might sound easy, but under constant attack from the graboids it can be quite difficult! Use the crate to get to the roof and hop into the teleport to Burt and Heather's Rec Room.

    Burt and Heather's Rec room
    Burt loves his guns and boy does he have quite the stash! Located here are:
    Assault rifles
    Sniper Rifles
    Battle Rifles
    A Flame Thrower
    Fire Bomb Grenades
    A Machine Gun Turret

    IMPORTANT:Choose your weapons wisely, because when its gone, its gone. None of the weapons in the map will respawn.

    Lock and Load
    Once you've got your arsenal picked out, head to the other teleport in the room and you'll be dropped onto the back of the rescue trailer. From here you can head where you want and prepare to hold out.

    Back Door
    After about two and a half minutes a gravelift will spawn in a blocked-off area beind the rescue trailer and allow the graboids to rampage around the surface. Once the graboids are at ground level with the humans, all bets are off....

    Strategies and Tips:
    Humans -
    1. Get into Burt and Heather's as fast as possible. You're not going to make it with the scant few weapons at Chang's.

    2. Keep moving! The Graboids can only "see" you on radar when you move, but you're a harder target to hit!

    3. Grav Hammer hits can sometimes knock you off buildings, so be careful!

    4. Remember the Alpha can still jump, try to pick him/her out and kill them first.

    Graboids -
    1. Keep attacking! You may not kill a human outright, but the constant grav hammer attacks can keep them on their toes and you may get a lucky deathstrike through the floor.

    2. Use your radar!

    3. Keep the tower off limits. After one minute the grav lift at the water tower spawns, destory it by hitting the ground under it and keep the humans on the go for another minute.

    4. Watch for the Back Door Lift! After two and a half minutes the back door lift opens and both Alpha's and 2nd gen's have access to the surface.

    5. Patrol Nancy's and the Water Tower. As the two most important spots on the map, they should be high value targets.

    Sorry that was so long! Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy this, as I know my friends and myself did enjoy playtesting this!

    Thanks to:
    ActionSoldius for improving my original design doc and helping in the construction.
    Stoticstud for playtesting
    and Big T Rizzle for Pre-map gametype testing.

  2. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    Oh wow... this is original. For the record, I know that probably sounds sarcastic, but it's really not =)

    This is gonna be a definite DL for me, I HAVE to try it out. I like the whole concept of zombies running around under the floors striking up to kill the humans. This concept is incredibly original; I've never seen anything like it. I also personally love zombie maps where the humans start off with crap and have to go hunting to get some weapons to fight with, as opposed to the 12-year-old favorite Fat Kid and Farm-a-Zombie and other such crap Infection games. I'm glad games like this are around to peove that Infection isn't just for retards who can't play Halo.

    I have a few questions, though:
    1. How hard is it to kill humans as the Alpha Zombie from below? How direct does the hit have to be?
    2. Can the gravity hammer destroy the trailer from down below? I would assume they can if they can break a grav lift...
    3. How often do the humans really get killed before the back door lift spawns? Is it a pointless hope to get kills as the zombie then, or does the game usually end in 30 seconds, or is it balanced well?

    I know if I played the game I'd know all the answers, and I fully intend to tomorrow... But holy crap, it's 2 in the morning and WHY THE HELL AM I ON FORGEHUB AT 2 AM!? I'm going to sleep now. Will DL, check it out and give a better review tomorrow. For now
  3. d4rkdemon

    d4rkdemon Ancient
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    looks like a decent map it has been done before because my freind has 1 but nowere near as good still i like the way humans are weak and dont have wepons at first its more of a challenge and makes it more fun
    good work: d4rkdemon
  4. pjboyforgestyle

    pjboyforgestyle Ancient
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    I've played one of these before little bit smaller then this one and I had a blast so I'm defianly dl 3.5/5. I like how the zombies have a chance to destroy the graf lift.
  5. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    This does look fun, I love the concept, but you could have made it look much nicer. The map right now looks pretty open, and I haven't played it so I can't say much, but I would be glad to help make a V2, just P.M. me if you want too.
  6. ActionFrank451

    ActionFrank451 Ancient
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    Glad you like the idea! :D

    1. It's hit and miss, pun intended. The Radar is being a little buggy and its sometimes hard to get a good lock on someone, but if you do its game over. The only way to balance it was to give them instant kill. As far as a direct hit, well I'm not sure. Olbviously a direct hit would, only hitting someone from the side would knock them a bit. I'll have to watch the post-game films to get a better idea of the hammer range.

    2. Yes it can, and I've gotten many a double kill that way. :D
    The Trailer has a Fusion Coil under it, allowing for a better destruction effect and better kill chance.

    3. Most of the time the human kills are random. As I said in answer 1, it all depends. A lot of your kills will come from nailing humans waiting at the water tower or trying to desperately get into Chang's.

    When I was doing final playtesting I had three people. Two on humans one as the graboid and most of the time one person would die before we/they even got Chang's open. The best strategy is to keep moving, because if you stand still the graboid's chance of killing you is exetremly high.

    If you guys want to play sometime drop me or actionsoldius a PM on Xbox Live. My gamertag is my username and actionsoldius is of course actionsoldius.
  7. ActionFrank451

    ActionFrank451 Ancient
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    That's what they called the monsters in the movie Tremors. I couldn't use the name Tremors as that one vehicle gamemode already uses it.

    Could you elaborate?
    Also, the map wasn't supposed to be the main focus. The map was built around the gamemode and since we didn't have enough bridge and double wall pieces it ended up being small. It's too bad because we had to cut a lot just to get everything to fit.

    Our original concept was to do a Territories style gamemode where you hop from places to place avoiding the graboids. When that proved impractical we went for Infection.
  8. SiN Fwang

    SiN Fwang Ancient
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    WTF? nice comment. reported.

    This map is actually really good. A very original idea. I am a little concerned about Burt's Rec Room armory thing. Is the ammo count low? i hope so. otherwise, i don't see much wrong with it. looks like a fun concept. i would DL, but i have no room to. you should make a v2 with different stuff, you know what i mean? anyway, 5/5! keep it up!
  9. ActionFrank451

    ActionFrank451 Ancient
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    The ammo count is high, but the guns do not respawn so you're got to really think about what you pick up. The Graboids also have a lot of health making it so that you must expend a lot of ammo to actually kill one.

    actionsoldius and I are thinking about how to make a new and improved version.

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    OMG i love the idea, considering it came from the best move ever made. nice job on the map and idea!!!!

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