
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by MonicleMonkey, Dec 30, 2008.

  1. MonicleMonkey

    MonicleMonkey Ancient
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    This is my first map that I have really played around with in Halo 3 forge, I call it Aztec! (it should be noted that this map is meant to be played with the Winged Serpent game variant) this map is a test run of what i hope the map will become after I learn how to properly merge items in forge, either way please play through this map and let me know what needs to be fixed and any suggestions you may have.

    thankyou, MonicleMonkey






    To Download Aztec! click here : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    To Download Winged serpent Game Variant click here : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
  2. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    seems okay for a map with no iinterlocking or geomerging.the biggest problem I see is that the power-ups are obtanable.i suggest you get rid of them until you learn to interlock decently.a 3/5 from me for now. I hope you make a v2 with interlocking and geomerging.
  3. corey0x0

    corey0x0 Ancient
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    i see alot of potential in this map. if u clean up a few things here and there i got see this at leasy making a 4/5, but im going to give it a 2.5/5
    try geomerging and some better interlocking first, and all those over shields, active covers and customs should be interlocked
    good job though
  4. Nick Novikov

    Nick Novikov Ancient
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    not to shabby
    i like the fact you made it seems like a meso-american civilization even there are way better maps out there like Temple Mount
  5. AMidgetAndAClub

    AMidgetAndAClub Ancient
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    This map has A LOT of potential. I'm DL it this way anyhow to mess around with it. I smell a hint of possible epicness if handled correctly.
  6. Grandmas House

    Grandmas House Ancient
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    You realize that you already posted this. You should have just edited your other thread.

    But seeing as you're new, you get a break lol.

    Map wise: One problem I see is there is too many power-ups. It may work with the map though..
  7. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    Hey, great work on your first map! Like everyone has said, this really does look like it could turn out to be a great map in the future. Of course, a trip to the Forging 101 section of the website could improve this greatly. Go there and you can learn to make objects float, interlock them together, or even how to force them into the map's geometry!

    The biggest problems I see with this map are as follows (and how to easily fix them!)

    -You use a bunch of powerups to designate the "temples". However, you can grab these powerups, unbalancing the game. What I usually do to interlock powerups is float a weapon holder so that its facing into where you want the powerup to go, touching the surface. Then float another holder facing the bottom of the first one. Delete the first one, and when the powerup os placed in the second weapon holder, it will be just deep enough that it can't be grabbed from either side.

    -The mancannons on top of the temples look cool. They're a neat aesthetic idea. Unfortunately, they get really annoying during gameplay, when they obscure the action and constantly fling players into walls. I'd recommend simply building a different aesthetic feature, or finding a way to stop the cannons from launching players into nothing.

    -The temples are very well built, but ther area between them is completely barren. Add some cover to give players some much-needed defense when moving between temples. If you're maxed out on money, try using the unlimited money glitch found back in the Forging 101 section.

    All in all, good map and excellent post for your first try. Keep it up and I'm sure you'll be a great forger in no time!

    IVY SNAKE Ancient
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    Idk dude the map looks really good since it's no interlocking and stuff like that but I think you need to focus on some cover and it looks a tiny bit empty if you could fix that I would probably give your map a 4/5 because it has potential and you said that you don't know any forge tricks right well just go on the forums or you can look it up on youtube.

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